Chapter 7

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"Can you try to actually get one in, Ry?" Leo pointed out to me as I leaned over to make my shot. I held the cue stick firmly in my hands and lined my white ball to hit the closest stripped ball into the pocket.

Leo and I were on a team and we were against Hunter and Connor. Meet the lads. Leo is the guy I consider my best mate, I mean don't get me wrong the other guys are cool and we are all very close as a group. Leo is a bit shorter than me and has brown eyes and hair; he's the funny one of our group. Then you have Hunter, who is a downright badass player. Like we all get heaps of girls, but he just gets goes through them quicker. Leo, Connor and I think it's the blue eye and brown hair combination that gets Hunter the most girls. And Conner, I guess you could say he's what the girls call the cute one of the group. With his browny-blonde hair and green eyes, he still slays like the rest of us. He just feels a little more remorse than us.

It's really not our fault that girls follow us like bees to honey. It's a perk of being the most popular guys in school; and I'm not going to act like we complain. Because to be fairly honest, high school ends and we all realise that, so why should we not soak up all the attention while it's on us?

Anyway, back to the dilemma at stake. Ok so the problem is, I'm not as good as the others at pool. I'm not horrible they're just better. So far Leo's been the one to actually sink the balls in this game. To be fair we've only been playing for about ten minutes. I knocked the white ball and sent it flying. It hit the striped ball and the ball continued to roll, it started to slow as it got nearer to the pocket and for a second I thought it wasn't going to go in, but it did.

"Happy?" I asked Leo and he turned to look at me.

"Ecstatic." He lifted his hand and I high-fived him. "C'mon Connor, your turn."

I picked up my can of beer and lifted it to my lips, tilting its contents into my mouth. Well I would've if there were anything left; I dropped my hand and chucked the can in the bin. I walked over to the bar fridge in the corner and opened it.

"Anyone want a top up?" I called to the boys.

"Yeah." Hunter called.


"No." I grabbed two cans and closed the fridge with my foot. If your wondering where we are, let me explain. Hunter recently moved down to the garage/basement of his house. He's turned it into a bachelor pad, and I must say it's mad in here. He's got an endless amount of video games, a bar fridge, his massive bed, four beanbags, a huge TV and the pool table down here. I headed back over to the table and handed Hunter a can. I popped mine open and took a long sip out of it.

"Hard day?" Leo asked me, in question to my long gulp.

"More like annoying dinner last night."

"Oh yeah, how was that?" Leo asked as he bent down to take his shot, missing the hole completely. I decided to just ignore his horrible shot.

"Ugh, so annoying. My new neighbour is that annoying Jade girl." They looked at me with puzzled looks.

"Jade, who?" Hunter asked as he took his shot.

"It starts with P, it's a weird last name."

"Jade Pesado?" Connor asked and I nodded. "I had history with her last year, she's not that bad. She's pretty quiet."

"Yeah well it turns out, miss quiet is sarcastic as hell. She straight out told her mum we were going up to her room to sneak out and get smashed. Like who says that? Then she practically forced me to play Uno. Like out of the bazillion things to do, she makes me play Uno." I didn't realise I was ranting until I saw Leo's smirking face.

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