Chapter 4

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Today's the day, the ovens working full ball with potatoes baking and chicken roasting. The Steeles are coming over at 6:30 for dinner. I'm not looking forward to it but mum sure is. It's currently four in the afternoon and mum insisted that the chicken had to be in the oven by three thirty, because she wants it out just before they come over.

There's only two and a half hours until they come over and I experience possibly the worst night of my life. I tried reasoning with mum before about letting in Ryder.

"He's a criminal mum!" I said.

"No he's not, Jade, don't be so rude." She retaliated.

"I think I'd know mum, I do go to his school." I state matter-of-factly.

"Yes, but you've never even had a proper conversation with him."

"How would you know? You're not with me twenty-four seven." The conversation on his front porch counts right?

"I know because you would've mentioned it by now. Knowing you, it would've been your number one argument." She stated knowingly.

"Mum he's going to rob us. He's going to steal our TV, our computer, my bra." She looked at me like I was crazy, but I continued anyway, "it's like that vampire show I watch mum, if you don't allow him in, he can't come in." I'm getting a bit desperate now.

"Jade, he's not a vampire."

"It's the principle."

"Don't be an idiot, Jade." I sighed loudly to show her my annoyance at the situation. I stormed off to my room after that, accepting that I'd lost the battle. I did catch her smirk as I walked off though.

Two more hours... Have I already mentioned I'm not looking forward to it? They're only coming over because mums always wanted a friend that lives next door. I mean so do I, I think it's every girls dream. But a girl friend, not Ryder freaking Steele. He's going to be the worst neighbour ever. When I was up in my room before I saw Ashley in his room, and I'm still thanking God that she didn't see me before I quickly slammed the window and curtain shut. Who knows what would've gone through her chaotic, empty head if she had seen me. She better not come over tonight, I don't want her to know where I live. That's all I need, her to come to my house and torment me; don't I get enough at school?

She hates anyone that isn't pretty, popular or in her circle of friends. So I'm pretty much three for three, yay. But I must say I'm used to it. She doesn't like me especially because once she cornered me in the bathrooms, and I happened to be on my period at the time. Let's just say, when it's my time of the month I don't put up with anyone's shit. I started yelling at her but she had a comeback for everything. I ended up just rolling my eyes and walking away from her dragging Libby behind me, and I guess she didn't like that I walked away from her highness.

Speaking of Libby, mum wouldn't let me invite her to tonight's dinner. I tried reasoning that Libby would be extremely lonely tonight, knowing my mum hates when Libby isn't over. She's like the second daughter she never had. But mum was set on it just being our two families. She's so annoying sometimes, ugh.

There's only one more hour till they're due here. Honestly, this hour can go by as slowly as it likes.

"There's nothing left in here to do, because everything's cooking, so if you wanna just go watch tv or something until it's time to set the table, that's fine." Mum told me and I nodded walking into the lounge room. I switched on the tv and saw that the vampire show I was talking about before was on, excitedly I turned up the volume and lifted my legs onto the couch. It's the new episode that came out this week that I haven't had a chance to watch yet.

"Hun, come set the table!" Mum called me. I blinked not realising that forty minutes had passed.

"The shows ending in five minutes." I called back unpausing the Vampire Diaries.

"But they're going to be here in twenty and I need your help in the kitchen."

"Ugh." I rolled my eyes and got up, making a mental note to finish the episode when Satan and his family leave.

I walked into the kitchen and saw mum pulling out the chicken and potato’s; she is big on letting food set after it's been in the oven.

"Quick set the table." I walked over to the cupboard and opened it pulling out seven plates. I then opened the draw of cutlery and pulled out enough forks and knives for everyone.

"Does the little one get a knife?" I called to mum.

"Andy?" I nodded. "Set him one and if they don't want him to use it they can take it off him." I nodded again, pulling out a knife for him too.

I walked over to the table with the plates and cutlery on top. I spread out everything in the correct order to eat, before walking over to the pantry and pulling out the napkins. Placing one for each person on their plate I put the rest in the holder on the table. I did the same with the glasses, setting one in front of each plate. Set table, check.

I walked back into the kitchen and saw mum placing the chicken and potatoes neatly into a big bowl, and she motioned for me to pick up the bowl of salad that was on the bench. We set them on the table and mum looked over the table and the way it was set. She nodded in approval before putting out her hand and I high fived it.

"Are you dressed?" She asked. I looked down at my self and nodded. "That was rhetorical. Go get dressed, you look like a hobo." I laughed and ran up the stairs.

Stripping off my bike shorts, I put on some blue skinny jeans. I did the same with my t-shirt and put on a nice semi-dressy multi coloured singlet top. I slipped on some sandals, and put on a light layer of makeup. Which consisted of some foundation and some mascara. I never usually wore eyeliner because I found a way to make it look like I was wearing some with my mascara, but today I decided to wear. Don't ask me why, because I wouldnt even be able to tell you. I was just in the mood. So I trailed the liquid along my eye, before adding mascara.

I looked at myself in the mirror and nodded in approval at my appearance. It was decent for a quick dinner outfit. I exited my room closing the door behind me, and trotted down the stairs.

Mum must have gotten changed as well, because instead of her mum jeans and singlet, she was wearing a nice pair of black skinnies and a sheer pink blouse with a black singlet underneath. Dad walked out of the lounge room wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a plain black t-shirt.

Ding Dong. I gulped, they're here.


Jade applying her eyeliner on the side :)

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