Chapter 47

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The vibration of my phone on my bedside table tore me out of my sleep. I sighed in annoyance as my phone buzzed continuously. I reached out my hand from my bed covers and clasped my phone before answering the call and placing it on my ear. Once my hand was tucked back into my covers and my phone was balancing on my ear I spoke.

"Hello?" I asked into it. I didn't even check who had called.

"Hey." Macy said cheerfully from the other end of the line. "What're you doing?" She asked me and I closed my eyes.

"Not much, what about you?" I asked her sounding half asleep.

"Did I wake you? It's like eleven." She said from her end of the line and my eyes popped open. It's eleven o'clock?

"Yeah you did." I admitted and she laughed.

"Well, I just rang to ask if you wanted to go to a concert tonight?"

"What concert?" I asked, only just more awake than before.

"It's this band that I listen to, Wet Sneakers. They're really good and their playing at the Pump Theatre tonight."

"What sort of music do they play?" I asked.

"It's a weird mix of indie, rock and pop. I think you'll like them." I nodded then remembered she couldn't see me.

"Yeah sure, sounds good. Have you told the others?"

"Well so far I've only called Leo and you, so I'm going to ring the rest now."

"Alright, so what time do they go on?" I asked her and she paused for a second.

"Umm..." She trailed off and I heard shuffling papers. "Oh found it." She exclaimed more to herself than to me. "They start at seven."

"Ok, sounds good. Tell the others and we can work out details later." I told her.

"Sweet, bye Jade." She said and I bid her goodbye before turning my head so my phone would drop off the side of my face, before rolling over and going back to sleep.


"How are you still asleep?" I heard and my eyes shot open. When I saw Ryder standing at my doorway I sighed before pulling the covers up higher over me. "Jade, it's twelve o'clock, what are you still doing in here?" He asked and I mumbled incoherently. "What?"

"Sleeping obviously." I said before turning over to face away from him. There was silence for a minute and for a second I thought he left but then I felt the covers being torn away from me and I sat upright.

"Ryder!" I screamed and he laughed. My covers were on the floor at his feet and I crossed my arms in annoyance. "Give them back." I said and he shook his head. "Fine." I crawled along my bed and reached down to grab them but he pushed me backwards so I flew back first onto the bed. His laughter got louder and I sighed in annoyance. "Why won't you let me sleep?"

"Because its twelve o'clock in the freaking afternoon."

"But I'm tired." I whined dragging out the words and he shook his head.

"You've over slept. That's why you're so tired. You have to get up, get outside." He said as if he was a breath of fresh air on a bright summers day.

"Go away." I said and his smile dropped.

"Well that's rude." He replied and I rolled my eyes because I know he doesn't plan on going anywhere.

"Why are you even in my house? How did you get in?" I asked sitting up and crossing my legs.

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