Prologue 22

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"Help me Oliver!"

The girl from the movie was hanging from a low-cut tree while a dozen of wolves growled and tried to bit her. Not too far away, the boy Oliver stood, looking absolutely afraid to the animals. He hated them because his dad was killed by them as I had seen a little earlier in a scene.

I sighed and looked at the clock on the wall. 11:48 pm. My parents and boyfriend should have arrived for a hour ago, but there had been no sound of either a car or their high voices. Where they were had I knew idea about. When they left my mum said that they'd get sushi and rent a movie. I nodded and waved them off around 9:15 pm on this cold December evening.

Since then I did my homework, folded clothes and tied my bed. I got tired of waiting so I started the film with popcorn in a bowl beside me. "The Whistler", was it apparently called and until now has it just been a waste of my time.

I took another popcorn in my mouth and left the sofa, began walking to the window and searched from a red car with black windows outside. No one. What would I expect? That they suddenly appear right before my nose when myself looked. Stuffs like that only happens in movies and never in reality.

Another quarter passed when I decided to call my mum, which I never usually did apart from emergencies. Of course did she not answer, just like me. Both of dad and David didn't answer and I throw myself in the sofa again hopelessly.

Where the hell were they?

I hope they didn't get in any accident on the ride.

No not that is not possible. My boyfriend is the best driver I had ever seen, even though he has only had the driving license for two years. He'd not risk my parents and drive away from any possible accident such as drunk humans or those who couldn't drive at all.

Just for the sake I switched off the movie and let the TV play the usual News channel on evenings.

There was a girl- the anchor who looked far by my standard of fake, talking about some kind of thunderstorm coming in on Californa. It didn't concern my because I lived by the other side of the country.

"Next," she said, smiling a little for no reason. "It has been an accident of highway 56 where two cars have coursed a big car crash. Both of the cars' passengers have been transported to hospital with deadly injuries. This case've caused big lines of cars so expect long waiting time to pass in the near time."

The camera showed off two totally crushed cars, those who where involved in the crash. One were dark blue and the other red.

Our car. That was my family's car, that one David drove.

I couldn't help but cry in front of the TV while the switched to a football match.

How did this happen for goodness sake? Soon where tears streaming down on my face and I screamed loudly. 

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