Prolouge Twelve

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Long time no see (:. Now should it be only one week until broken leg SHOULD be ready to use and walk on again :D. I hope so at least... So here is a update which I come up with when I was on my way home from my grandparents, who I visit this weekend. It felt like this is almost an book that maybe I can write. So hope you enjoy /Emmiy,

Derek's P.O.V

"I never want to see you again Derek! Got that!" The stupid, blond-haired girl. She was really mad at me. Why you wonder? I have maybe been fucking her 'BFF'. What can you say about me? I admit I'm an assholr and a player. But that girl didn't care about my needs, she only wanted to sit in my red open car. Gosh those girls.
I never want to see you again Derek! Got it!" the stupid blonde girl said who was totally mad at me. Why you wonder? I may have been fucking her best friend. What can you say about me, I admit I'm an asshole and a player. But that girl didn't care about my needs, only to be siting in my red open car. Gosh those girls.

"Never will I" I screamed back playfully and set the car in a rush to start. The nature around the house the stupid blonde lived at was pretty beautiful, never that I liked the out contry side, but the small forests and green farms were quiet. Nothing compered to the city there I lived in.

I press at little further and the car is now up in around 80.2 mph when I suddenly saw something black on the green meadow. It came faster and futher to the road. Only three minutes could I see it was a horse with a girl on it with no helmet. She pushed the horse to the same level as my car behind me at looked at me.

She was hot may I say. The long, redflame hair bounched up and down and those snakegreen eyes looked challenge to me. She was even tan och slim and have the curves there they should be.

But suddenly was she not behind me but further than my car and me. Like okay... I pressed the car to any mph and was slowly next to her. She didn't even look at me only pushed the dark arabian horse further.

It was not long before we where up in 143 and she was still futher than me. That is pretty odd and only she pushed on more. A horse may run fast but we have been like this in more than a hour and the horse was still not even tired.

"What is your name" I yelled at her suddenly. At least I could this amazings chick's name.

"That you" she yelled back and jumped of the road and back to the meadow again.

"Why" I yelled back. She only looked back one time in a playfull smile.

Omg, that chick. That was the only thing I kept thinking about the way home.

Stephanie's P.O.V

I guy have seen me, and a total "shining player" guy too. Great. I hope it's not one of my school's player, cause if he is, I may have a problem. That side of me is only on the country side not my school side.

There am I only a quiet nerd with straight A:s and only a few friends, the walking gay "Philip" and the happy face no mather not "Cherry". My twinbrother,Blake, knows my secret and never hangs out me and says that he has another usname than me. That is good for both us. The is the popular bad boy in school and has the whole school around his ringfinger. Yepp, that's my brother for me.

So right now do I sit inside the car with my brother who drives like always. I look at the mirror to put the brown, short wig on my head and fixs so it looks normal and take of my nose and ear piercings and press in some small teddy bear earrings in my ears. The laughter and the usual smirk of my brother.

"Like serious Step, you like freaking nerd" he finally says.

"I know and it's suppose to like it, have you not been learing you that yet? It has already be five years" I says and slaps his shoulder.

"Knows, know but that look is so totally diffrent from you home. Is it Fel here or" he says back and trubbs for ironoic on his shoulder.

"It's Feranda acutally" I says and smile playfullty. "Stop let me of now". He stops for once and I take me out of the car.

My two friends stands already at the usual spot, the big olk, in front of the school parking loot. They wave when they see me coming.

"Hey Feranda" Cherry smiles and looks at me throw her black glasses.

"Hey to you too" I say back and be move together in the school and just trying to walk up the outdoors stairs when a whole crowd is coming to us and has to make out of the way. Then that finally is over does Philip look to the place when a red familiar car is driving in.

You got to be kidden with me. That dude, the dude I meet yesterday was a new familiar face and he's totally gonna regonize me, I think at least.

"Oh who is that hottie" Cherry say and I look hopeless on her.

"That Cherry is the total player of the whole school history Derek Gergon. He's totally hot" Philip says and I just look up in the sky and †hink about my childhood a bite about Derek something Gregon has some sorts of place inside there.

Oh right that is the bully worst, when I began in middle school. The whore who fucked and three year older lady and made me life a living hell. That is Derek fucking Gregon for you. The total ASSHOLE!

I wake up when Cherry push me easy and I am looking the eye of the man walking up the stairs.

He looks up at me and smiles easily then consered and frowns at me. Oh god...

"Are you really the horse chick" he says husky,sexy. That voice, that may I like ...

Wait what am I thinking here, this is Derek come on Step.

"Who are you talking about?" I say back and frowns back. He smirkes all of the sudden and look dangerous back to me.

"Oh is it not the little Fernie the Feer" he says with the look from my childhood. Oh no this is not happening to me please.

"Uhmm" I only say and look straight back in his eyes.

"I'm back Ferine and will never leave you alone, you got that right. 'Cause it's gonna be like good old days right" he says.

This whole sitaution can be describe with only theirteen words.

That freaking asshole is back and this is gonna be a harsh year,

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