Prologue Thirty-Five

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"Welcome back", Helma said. 

The girl walked up to the daise and searched for her partner among the crowd in front of her. However there was no boy with green eyes and blond hair among them. 

He wasn't there. 

"Do you know where Richard is?" the girl asked Helma. Helma held her gaze for a few moments before looking at somewhere above the horizon. 

"He isn't here among us anymore." She said after a few moments. 

"What exactly do you define that?" the girl ask. 

"Well after you moved to Igor, Richard went mad. He started killing people, it didn't matter of what race it was, as long as it breathed would it be killed by him," Helma took a heavy sigh.n

"After about a month could the police capture him, and they sent him into prison. But he started killing people there as well. A few days after I heard that he had taken his own life through pills. " She contiuned and looked at the girl with a sad expression. "I'm sorry but he's dead."

"I figured that would happen," the girl answered looking straight ahead. 

"Don't you miss him, miss?" Helma said. 

"Not one bit!"

"How come?"

"He never loved me as I never loved him."

The girl looked at her friend and smiled slightly. 

The end 

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