Prologue Twenty-Eight

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"And now people, that one you all been waiting for Henry Jorden," screamed the announcer inside the TV. 

It showed a dark haired man with a black mustache and his belly was almost bulging out of his costume pants. He sneezed and brought down his hand along his not existing neck. The panel was waiting for him, he took a seat toward it and cleared his throat. 

"Hello people of the Great USA! It's now the year 3544 and who is the president? I'AM! You don't need to worry anymore because I'm going to save this once great country that has fallen to the ashes!" Screams the man, Henry Jorden outside and looking out over the cheering crows that's surrounding him on the screen. 

"We were decived, betrayed by all follow countries in the EXI. They left us to do the dirty work, while they continued living and left us behind. They LEFT us, the Great America. The once great country, was fallen! Can you believe that? It has been so since the Handlam won and conquered so many countries in Asia and some in Europe as well. The people fell because they did not fight  while we did it and lost on it." He gasped for air and grunted out a sniffle. 

"Now they're once again asking for our help, but we aren't going to do that this time! Do you hear me other countries in the other lands across the ocean, the whole planet! We are standing alone, USA!"

He raised his hand up to the sky, while the crowd in the TV continued chanting for him, singing the nation song. 

Andrea Axwelt couldn't even look as her's mother was shown on the ground, next into the man who had just won the election and was going to be president in just two months. She felt the weird feeling that was never ending to come unto the stomach. 

The man was going to destory not only this country but so many more, that Andrea could pick up both of her hands and feets without having an 1/12 of the countries that would fade away because they dependent on it. 

She sighed and turned off the TV and went to bed, without stopping thinking about it .

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