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Peoples,after the next chapter of Omeeka the hills,There will be a sequel....and another story.The sequel will be my trademark starting of with Omeeka and another song title ....and the other story will be Dreams And Nightmares where Nicki is a stripper at king of diamonds in Miami and  all of that.Meek a business man both drug wise and club wise.He owns this club called 'Diamond Chasers '.Nicki ain't like King Of Diamonds of they're pay of $100 per night plus the extra cash the men were paying.So she moved to Philly to go see other options and Bam!!She met Robert Rihmeek Williams at Diamond Chasers where the pay at $500 tops and business was booming!So yeah she wasn't a hoe...she was loyal....had to pay for her mama surgery because she had cancer which costed allot of money Nicki didn't have...so yeah!!Making the first chapter today of Dreams And Nightmares.Updating Omeeka:The hills today as well when I find time.....


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