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Crow's POV:

I groan as I slowly open my eyes, seeing the darkness with white dots and I now know it is night. I sit up and rub my head where the Shadowmen had hit me with their shadows. I roam my eyes around to find the jet to be gone. I sigh as the pain goes away, leaving me tired.


Where's Paige? Oh no, what had I done? I should be protecting her. I should have just change into my bat and carry her off from them. Oh, Paige. That poor girl was taken to the Shadow King. I hope it's not too late.

"I see you're awake." I hear a familiar voice behind me and I glower, getting ready for a attack.

"Who are you?" I turn my head to face this person and I gasp. She has long blonde hair, bright green eyes, and perfect tan. She wears unusual clothing, black leather jacket over her metal armor, black jean with silver knee armor, and black long combat boots. Her face is half covered by her long silver cloak, the shadow cut off half of her face. But I know her by her face. I know her name.

"Skywar." I breathlessly say, getting up on my feet and wiping off the dirt on my black pant.

"Crow." She doesn't exactly greets, only glare at me.

"What had you done?" I walk up to her, facing her with my red eyes and fangs sticking out of my mouth.

"I didn't mean this to happen to her." She says and I know who she's talking about. "I just need something important and it's the only way that I can get it."

"You're dying." I finally sense her fainting shadow.  I can feel her soul slowly rotting away from the disease she has in her body, breaking her down and making her weaker each day. No wonder she didn't come back to the hotel.

"How did you know?" She asks, her voice flattering from the discovery that I have.

"It's something I can't share with you, but I know." I reply, looking around. "It's your fault you let this happen to this girl. I must find her."

"You can't. You don't know where they had taken her."

"Look, witch. I had promise the last she-wolf that I will protect her, no matter what. I'm her new guardian angel, even though I'm just a vampire and I must find her. Your babysitting job is done."

"Still, you don't know where she was taken at. I don't know anyway." She claims and I shake my head.

"I know where. To the Shadow King and his lair..."

Paige's POV:

A little girl sits on the bench near the school, her little legs swinging back and fro as if she's waiting for someone to come around. She plays with her brown hair, humming ABC's. The day seems to be bright and perfect, the sun shining down on her.

"Paige!" She hears someone and looks up to see a little boy running towards her, waving his hands in the air. His brown hair flops from the wind as he runs, matching with his dark evergreen eyes.

"Leo!" She yells back with happiness and I blink.

Leo. We somehow know each other. Maybe he's my childhood friend or something. I watch as the little Leo crash into the little Paige, both of them wrapping their arms around each other. I walk close, hearing them laugh. I softly smile. How I could not remember this? I have a perfect memory, but these memories with him won't be in my mind. I feel like there's something in my head that's blocking the memories of me and my mate.

"I'll miss you, P." Leo whispers, looking sadly in her eyes. What did he means by that? Was I going somewhere? Did I leave?

"I'll miss you too, Leo." She whispers as well, a lone tear running down on her baby face.

"Don't worry." He rises his hand to whip the tear away. "I'll find you. You're my best friend and I want to be with you for the rest of my life."

"You mean... You loves me?" She looks up to meet his eyes and I could see her cheeks blush very lightly.

"I love you, P. And I like you. A lot." He smiles. "I want you to be my girlfriend."

They couldn't be no more than six years old and I couldn't believe what I'm seeing and hearing. He loves me and he knows me. I am so shocked to this lost memory that had been hidden away from me for a long time. Leo truly loves me. I really need to go back to him now. I need to tell him that I'm sorry for hiding and running away. I never meant to break his heart when I ran away. The only person that could fix his heart is me.

"Yes, I will be your girlfriend, Leo." She hugs him again as he softly kisses her light pink cheek.

"Take this." I see him gives her something and I breathlessly gasp.

WAKE UP, PAIGE! I hear a voice in my head and I know it was time. I force myself to wake up. COME ON, WAKE UP!

I gasp as I wake up in a cold room on the hard ground, laying on it. I rub my head as I feel a small headache stinging the side of my head. I blink, seeing the darkness in the room. Where am I? And what is this?

I reach up to my necklace that I have always wear everyday. I feel the cold blue gem in the not pure thin silver wrapping around it in my fingers, toying with it. So, this is how I got it. I got it from my mate, Leo, when we had promised we will be together again and become couple. I am his lost girlfriend and he's my lost and forgotten boyfriend. Maybe it's time to go back.

"Hello?" I call out, hoping there's someone close by. I push myself up, my eyes starting to get sharper. I could see the outline of the cage that I'm in, roughly four feet wide and tall. I almost hit my head, having to bent over. I start to breathe hard, am not liking this tiny space.

"Anyone out there?" I call out once again, waiting for someone to come and take me out of this tiny cage that's making me have a panic.

"You are awake." It says behind me and I whip around to see a most beautiful man standing outside of my cage behind.

"Who are you?" I ask, shallowing nothing. My mouth is like sandpaper and I must be out more a few hours.

"Who am I? I am what hides in the shadow and use the darkness as magic. I am what protects the most important things in the whole wide world. I am what gives them what they need as long as they work for me. Who am I, the last she-wolf?"

"Shadow King." I whisper, staring at his pretty extremely bright blue eyes.

"That is right, my darling." He smirks and put his hands behind his back as he strolls around the cage. I didn't dare leave my eyes from his huge form.

The sounds of gently stomping black hooves echoes in the darkness as he strolls, his large black and sliver dragon wings rest on his back. His skin is light grey, his spiky sliver hair somehow glows along with his eyes. He wears a dark shirt, dark pant, and wears no shoes for that he has hooves.

"What do you want from me?" I growl.

"Nothing from you, darling. I just want you here. You are the last she-wolf, after all. And everyone is looking for you. But you do not need to worry about that now. I am here to protect you." His voice is husky, making me draw into him.

Paige! Liliann barks in my head and I almost flitch. I can't let him know I still can talk with my wolf. Be careful, he can makes you get hots for him!

I can see that since he's beautiful. I say back to her.

"Well, let me out. I don't like being in closed space." I claim, trying to make myself sounds afraid.

"I will if you promise me one thing." He stops at the front of the cage, taking out a key.

"What?" I grow more scared than before, wishing that I haven't asked.

"Will you be my queen of shadows?"

Ayyyyyyeee. It's getting more awesome. It seems to be that Skywar and Crow will work together to get Paige back and the King wants Paige to be his queen. I have a lot of tricks up in my sleeve and I couldn't wait to use them all. Anyway, thank for the two thousand, two hundred and seventy reads! I couldn't find the picture of the Shadow King that I wanted him to look like, but eh. 

Comment or vote, thank.


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