Twenty Three. Froze

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Vegeta's POV
I grabbed Trunks and Piccolo, then I flung then out of the way. I put my hands up and caught the giant fireball, soon Froze's house collapsed.
I still tried to push the blast away, I growled.
I roared and kicked it at the sky, my arms felt exhausted. Trunks ran to me.
"Are you okay dad?" Trunks asked.
"I'm fine Trunks." I said.
We stood in the rubble of Froze's house, Gohan must be under some rubble. People from this neighborhood turned their attention to the collapsed house.
Soon we heard police sirens. Then police cars parked outside of the destroyed house, along with ambulances. Froze growled and turned to the people.
"They are so annoying. Time to kill them." Froze said.
"I don't care about those people, all I care about is getting Gohan back." I snapped.
Froze smirked and then he blasted at the entire crowd of people, killing them.
"There we go, now we have don't have to worry about killing anymore people." Froze said and then he lunged at me.
Froze threw attacks rapidly at me, each one connecting with my face or stomach. I couldn't dodge them because he's too fast, and he's only in his first form.
I roared and flung my fist at him, Froze dodged easily then he kicked my stomach. I coughed up blood, Piccolo lunged at Froze. Froze punched him away, Piccolo crashed into me sending us both crashing into another house.
Trunks lunged at Froze, Froze grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back. Trunks screamed in pain, I got up and then with this distraction I lunged at Froze and punched his face!
He went crashing into another house, I helped Trunks up. Then Piccolo flew towards us.
"Good. You injured him Vegeta. I have a plan, can you get Froze into a full body nelson?" Piccolo asked.
"I'm not doing that Special Beam Canon of yours, Krillin told me what happened with that." I replied.
Suddenly Froze flew back at us, he roared and punched my face. I went sliding on the ground. Piccolo and Trunks threw attacks rapidly at him, he dodged them all then he blasted the two away.
I then felt three ki's coming our way, I turned to them and saw Krillin, Tien, and Yamcha. At least now we have six people on our side, they landed in front of me.
"KI KO HO!!!" Tien yelled and blasted his signature move at Froze.
Froze was thrown back, but not injured. He growled and lunged at Tien, he kicked him in the face and then he punched Krillin and Yamcha at the same time!
"What great help you guys are." I said.
They got up and then the six of us lunged at Froze, we all threw attacks. It actually looked like Froze was having trouble dodging our attacks. We just need one more to actually start hitting him—
I turned to the voice and smiled when I saw Gohan in Super Saiyan Two form. He then lunged at Froze and started throwing attacks as well, then Gohan punched Froze. Sending him in Piccolo's direction, Piccolo roared and kicked Frozs into the sky.
I flew up and punched Froze back down at the ground, Trunks roundhouse kicked him sending him to Tien. Tien punched his stomach then flung him at Yamcha, Yamcha kicked his face, and then Krillin blasted him.
Froze slid on the ground with scratches on his body.
"Great combo guys." Tien said.
"Yeah, I think we won." Yamcha said.
"No we're not even close to winning." I said.
Froze stood up and growled. Gohan lunged at him, I followed and so did Trunks. The three of us punched him at the same time, the punch sent him flying into the sky.
"SPECIAL BEAM CANON!!" Piccolo roared and blasted the drill blast at Froze.
Froze quickly recovered and deflected the blast away. He then flew down and punched Piccolo, then he kicked Yamcha. Yamcha went crashing into Krillin, then Froze sent an upward uppercut into Tien's face and he blasted at the three of us!
We all went down, Froze clenched his fist.
"You filthy monkeys think you can beat me! You only defeated my father and other two brothers because they were weak. They didn't have the strength I possessed because unlike them I trained as hard as I could, to be the strongest, and now I know I am!!" Froze yelled.
I got up slowly, and then Gohan did too. Trunks got up and then the others did the same. We all lunged at Froze again, Froze slapped Krillin away. Yamcha threw a punch at Froze, Froze caught his fist and threw him at Krillin. Tien threw multiple attacks, but then Froze punched his stomach and kicked his face. Piccolo roared and slashed his sharp nails at Froze wildly, Froze dodged his slashes and then he punched Piccolo away. Trunks and I flung our fist at him, Froze caught our fists with his two hands.
Then with his two hands occupied, Gohan flew in and punched Froze's stomach. Froze coughed up blood, then I kicked his face sending him crashing through two houses.
I looked at our allies.
Yamcha is unconscious.
Krillin is barely conscious.
Tien is still holding on.
Piccolo seems to be in pain but he's still standing.
Trunks and I are good, and Gohan is okay.
"We lost Yamcha, but we can still win this!" I yelled.
Froze then lunged at me, he punched my stomach. Then with his hand still connected to my stomach he blasted my stomach, I went into the sky and landed on the roof of a house.
Then the roof collapsed, along with the whole house. I groaned and got up, pushing rubble off me. I saw Trunks get blasted in the face, then Piccolo get punched in the stomach.
Gohan was going toe to toe with Froze, his Super Saiyan Two aura glowing brighter than ever.
Then Gohan kicked Froze in the face, sending him into the sky.
I put my arms out, my palms am started glowing, then I threw my hands together and yelled ,"FINAL FLASH!!!"
I then blasted at Froze.
The blast connected with his body in the sky, Froze screamed as the blast blew him away.
Then the blast died down and Froze fell down on the ground. He got up, blood and scratches all over his body. Then he clenched his fists, set his feet firmly on the ground.
"I didn't think I would have to use my second form on people of your power, but things happen. RAAAH!!!" Froze started screaming as he transformed. His legs stretched, his arms did the same, and his head got bigger, along with his muscles.
His second form!?
I growled and then he was done transforming.
"Ah. Much better, now prepare to die."
Hey guys!
Hope you liked the chapter, please don't think my idea of "Froze" is dumb. I really like my idea of Frieza having another brother, so don't think it's dumb please.
Question of the day is: Who would win in a fight, Cell or Bojack?
Anyways see ya in the next update, vote, share, and comment!!

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