*Bonus Chapter*

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Hey guys! final chappie, oh and this part takes place during those seven years that Gohan is at college. So enjoy the story and vote with maybe a comment?
Gohan's POV
I am sitting on the roof of my college building, wearing my Great Saiyaman costume. The college is huge, I can see the entire city from here.
I stop crime when I see it, like right now I see a gang closing in on a girl. I stood up and started flying to the scene, I landed in front of the gang and got into my Saiyaman pose.
"I am the almighty Saiyaman, the crime fighter that protects East City! You will not hurt this girl!" I yelled and lunged at the gang.
I quickly counted how many gang members there are and in total I counted 13. I balled up my fist and punched one, then I spun around kicking another one while my other fist landed a blow against another one's cheek.
The three I took out fell down and then I punched another as I connected my other fist against another's stomach. Five down, five to go.
The five that are still up pulled out knives and lunged at me, I dodged all their slashes easily. Then I kicked one in the face and I flipped over another landing behind him, I punched his back sending him sliding on his face.
Two more lunged at me slashing their knives, I dodged the attacks and saw the other one pull out a pistol. He started shooting at me as I dodged the slashes, I dodged the bullets as well and then I punched the two trying to stab me knocking them out.
The last one with the gun looked at me in fear, I flew towards him and punched him in the face. He fell down unconscious, that's all of them.
"Thank you Great Saiyaman!" The lay from behind me said.
"No problem mam, have a good day." I said as I flew into the sky.
I flew high into the air to make it more dramatic, then I saw someone sitting on a mountain far away. He seemed to be wearing a turtle hermit Gi, is that dad!?
I flew towards the man faster and as I did I made out his features, a scar on his face, his left arm missing, and a haircut I had a few years ago.
I continued flying and landed in front of the man, the wind whistled making my cape flutter. For some reason I felt like I know this man, I pulled off my mask and looked at him.
He looked at me and smiled.
"So your the Gohan in this alternate future." He said.
"Alternate future...do you know someone called Trunks or did you time travel?" I asked.
"I did know someone called Trunks, he was my apprentice and my mate." The man said.
When he did I realized who this man is, this man is me from Trunks' future.
"Your me from Trunks' future aren't you!" I said.
"Yep. I just came to pay a visit." The other Gohan said.
"Why, and how come you don't have a halo over your head since your dead?" I asked confused.
"Because I'm not dead or alive, I'm a spirit. I came to visit you to tell you one thing, whenever something bad happens don't let the problem get big. Stop it before it starts to get worse, that's something I learned from my time. If only I could have been stronger, or if I had reminded dad to take his medicine then my timeline wouldn't have been horrible." The future Gohan said.
"Yeah. Fortunately we were able to save dad from dying, but he still ended up dying anyways. I guess there's no way of avoiding my dad's death." I replied.
Suddenly future Gohan stood up and walked to me.
"I need you to train Trunks, just like I did. Please, just once. I need to make sure he will be able to be a Super Saiyan in this alternate timeline. Please Gohan." He begged.
"Okay." I said even do I know Vegeta will train him to do that.
"Thank you." He said and hugged me with his one arm.
I smiled and hugged him back.
"Why don't you visit Trunks? He would be very happy to see you again." I said.
"I can't, I've already tried. But it seems that history won't let me travel to the future, only the past." Future Gohan said sadly.
I patted his shoulder and then I realized what Trunks told me a long time ago was true.
Trunks had said that I had the same haircut as this Gohan, my left arm was destroyed by Cell who was basically the two androids, just like him except this happened to him because of the actual androids.
"Anyways I need to go, there are other alternate world that need to be warned about the future." Future Gohan said.
"Will I ever see you again?" I asked.
"I don't know, probably not but I'm not sure. Thank you for your time Gohan, and tell Trunks I said hello." Future Gohan said and then he disappeared in front of my eyes.
The wind continued to blow my cape in the air, I looked out to my right seeing the city. The sun setting making this view look amazing. I clenched my fists and said,"I will never forget you Gohan."


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