Thirty Four. 6th Month

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Vegeta's POV
I am holding Gohan's hand, we are in walking through a carnival with Trunks in my free arm. People have us weird stares, probably because of Gohan's pregnancy and the fact that Gohan has a tail, and we're both guys holding hands, but I don't care what they think. The night sky above us with the gal moon glowing on the carnival below.
Gohan looked around and saw the Ferris wheel, he pulled me towards it while giggling.
"This way Vegeta!" Gohan said.
I chuckled as I followed, suddenly two men got in front of Gohan and I, stopping our path.
"Where do you two think your going?" One asked.
"To the Ferris wheel." Gohan said.
"Sorry, but we don't allow fags onto the Ferris wheel." The other one said.
I clenched my fists and was ready to kill these two when Gohan smiled.
"Okay we understand." Gohan said.
He turned around and started walking away, I stared in shock. He just let them go unscathed, even after they called us that horrible insult!? I growled and gave Trunks to Gohan, I walked up to the two men.
They looked at me and smirked.
"What does a shrimp like you think he can do to us?" He asked.
"A lot then you think." I replied and cracked my knuckles.
"Oh really, Chuck let me handle this." He said to his friends Chuck.
"Alright Tony." Chuck said.
Tony laughed and then he lunged at me, his fists and feet hit me repeatedly. I couldn't fee a thing, I laughed and grabbed his wrists then I pulled back my right fist ready to crack his jaw. Suddenly Gohan was tugging on my arm.
"Don't do it Vegeta, you'll only make things worse." Gohan said.
"Dada." Trunks said.
I growled and let Tony down, Tony roared then lunged at me again. I sighed and dodge his attacks easily, then I spun kicked his face. I held back of course, I wasn't gonna kill him in front of Gohan.
His friend Chuck growled and pulled out a knife, people started to form a crowd around us. Chuck leaped at me with his knife, I dodged the slashes from his knife.
Each one just cutting through air, then I grabbed his knife and tossed it at the ground. I then jumped at his face and punched him lightly, knocking him unconscious.
Chuck fell down, but Tony got back up. I growled and kicked Tony down, Tong then blacked out. The crowd around us cheered and Gohan laughed, Gohan ran to me then kissed me on the lips.
Suddenly the cheers from the crowd stopped, I looked around and then they started yelling boo at us. Is it because Gohan and I
They even started throwing trash at us, I growled and felt a vein start throbbing on my forehead.
"Shut up, stop throwing trash at us—"
Gohan held onto me while Trunks whimpered in his arms, I hate seeing my family like this. I then caught a rock that was coming our way.
"Are you serious, a fucking rock. How dare you people do this to us, we have a right to love who we want. I don't care if it's against the law of Japan, I could kill Japan's entire police force and military. You Earthlings shouldn't be doing this, a race only powerful in large numbers. I'm a Saiyan, and one of my kind could kill your entire species. So shut up and stop throwing stuff at us, because if you don't I will kill every single one of you all." I said through gritted teeth.
The crowd went silent and stopped throwing objects at us. Did my speech work—
"He couldn't kill all of us! He's bluffing, keep throwing stuff at them."
"Yeah, we don't believe that your a Saiyama or whatever! Your just as weak as us!"
"You could go to prison for talking about the military like that!"
I clenched my fists and turned to a man, I walked towards him then I smirked at him. He looked kind of nervous.
"Do you Earthlings remember what happened about seven years ago in West City, how it was demolished and reduced into a barren wasteland? That was me, I killed all those humans with my partner Nappa. I could do the same here." I growled in his face.
"Lair! Prove it!" The man yelled back.
"Heh. Okay." I looked up at the stars in the night sky and put my hand in the sky.
I aimed my palm at a star and shot a weak blast at it, my blast collided with the star. Then the star exploded, turning into dust. The people around me stared at me in fear and then they started running away.
I smirked and crossed my arms.
"Dumb humans."
"Hey that insult affects me too, I'm half human and so is Trunks, same goes for Goten." Gohan pouted from behind me.
I turned around and grabbed Gohan's hand again, we walked to the Ferris wheel.
I got in with Gohan, the conductor who turns the Ferris wheel on had ran away too so I moved the Ferris wheel with my hands.
Doesn't weigh much, only about a hundred thousand pounds. Maybe more. I smiled at Gohan and he smiled back.
I helped Gohan into the bed, with his big tummy many things are difficult for him now. Trunks is asleep in his room. I got in bed after Gohan was settled into the mattress and pulled the blankets over us.
I saw Bulma yesterday, she was trying to seduce me. Of course it didn't work, but I had almost forgotten that she came back to life when we wished everyone who Froze killed back.
She was living on the streets, selling her body for money. I felt bad for her so I let her live with us, she's currently sleeping on the couch in the living room.
I shook my head to stop thinking about Bulma and wrapped my arms around my mate. Gohan snuggled close into my chest and said,"I don't like Bulma living here."
"It's just until she has enough money to get her own place. Don't worry, she's a genius scientist so she'll be rich again in about two months." I replied.
"Okay Vegeta, but don't let her try to get dirty with you okay." Gohan said.
"Heh heh. Jealous aren't we?" I teased him.
Gohan blushed and punched my arm.
"Ow. Okay I won't let her get into my pants, don't worry Gohan." I said and kissed his forehead.
Hey guys! Hope you liked the chapter, also I wrote this chapter quickly because I start school today and the bus is on its way to my house.
Anyways I don't have time to put question of the day, so vote and comment.
See ya in the next update!

Friends with Benefits ( Dragonball Z Fanfiction Gohan x Vegeta Mpreg )Where stories live. Discover now