Thirty One. 3rd Month

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Gohan's POV
I was flying slowly to Dende's, he had collected the Namekian Dragonballs to revive Trunks, I wanna be there to see Trunks come back. I wanna ask him if he saw Dad in Otherworld.
I'm flying slowly because my stomach has gotten bigger, and I'll see Vegeta at Dende's place.
I landed on the tiled floor with palm trees sticking out of little patches of grass, I looked around and saw Vegeta standing next to Piccolo. Both of them don't really like each other because, well you remember what Vegeta did to Piccolo a few months ago.
I walked towards them, both of them had their arms crossed with their eyes shut.
"Hey Vegeta!" I said and hugged him.
He hugged back but gently because of my big tummy, Krillin and Tien landed on the Lookout as well. A little later Yamcha arrived too, that's everyone.
Dende walked out of the palace with Mr. Popo, who is holding the Namekian Dragonballs. Mr. Popo placed them on the floor and then Dende looked at us all.
"Is everyone here?" Dende asked.
"Yeah this is all of us." Tien said.
"Okay." Dende breathed in and then started summoning the Dragon in Namekian language.
The Dragonballs glowed and then a huge dragon flew out of them.
Porunga the Namekian Dragon.
"あなたの願いは何ですか" the Dragon said.
Dende cleared his throat and replied,"トランクを復活させま"
Porunga nodded and then his eyes started to glow, his eyes lost the glow and he looked back down at Dende.
Dende looked at us and said,"Alright Trunks was revived, what do you want as a second wish?"
I looked at everyone and thought of a good one.
"Revive the people that Frost had killed." I said.
Dende nodded and turned to Porunga and said,"人を復活させます"
Porunga nodded and said,"あなたの第三の願いは何か行われています"
Dende looked at us again.
"What do you guys want as the third wish?" Dende asked.
"Tell him to wish me a new house with enough money to last me two years." Vegeta said.
Dende looked at us to see if this wish is okay. I nodded and so did everyone else.
Dende nodded and looked up at Porunga.
Porunga nodded and then he said,"それはあなただけでなく運賃を行われています"
Porunga disappeared and the Dragonballs flew in the sky, only to fly away in seven different ways.
"Alright guys it is done. Trunks is probably awake and confused inside the Palace." Dende said.
I nodded and jogged inside of the small little "palace", I searched for Trunks by sensing for his ki. Then I arrived at a door and pushed it open, there I saw Trunks not dead and looking at his hands surprised to be alive.
I lunged at him and hugged him tightly, Trunks laughed and hugged me too.
"Trunks your alive!" I said happily.
"Yep. But I was enjoying death, you know because I was reunited with my Teacher Gohan and your father. It was the best time of my life, because when I got back with Gohan we, well you know." Trunks said with a blush.
I smiled and patted his shoulder.
"You'll see him again one day. Anyways about my dad, did he say anything about me?" I asked.
"Yeah. He said that he's proud of you for defeating Cell, Bojack, and Frost." Trunks said.
I smiled and then soon, everyone else came into the room asking questions.
I left the room, seeing Vegeta standing in the hallway. He noticed me and smiled.
"Hey brat." Vegeta said and hugged me then he kissed my lips.
We pulled away from the kiss and then I grabbed his hand.
"Wanna check out your new house together?" I asked.
"Yeah." Vegeta replied and then we flew to his new home.
It was a normal two story house, the whole house white with a white car in the garage. The Gravity Chamber is standing next to the house, Vegeta walked inside the Gravity Chamber and came out with Trunks in his hands.
"Let's check our new home Trunks." Vegeta said and then he led me inside.
Inside everything is white as well, even the furniture. Vegeta seemed to like the bland colors. Then Vegeta walked into a room and saw a crib inside. Vegeta placed Trunks in the crib and then he grabbed my hand, he walked into the bigger room.
"Gohan I want you to move in with me, I want you and our unborn child to live here with me." Vegeta said.
"Um... I don't know Vegeta." I replied and rubbed the back of my head.
Vegeta grabbed my hands and made me look him in the eyes.
"Please Gohan, please love with me." Vegeta begged.
I sighed and then I smiled.
"Okay Veggie." I answered.
Vegeta smiled widely and smashed our lips together, our lips moved in sync and our tongues twisted and turned against one another.
Vegeta licked my bottom lip, then he lightly tugged on it. I moaned as his hand rubbed my butt, but then I felt a pat on my leg.
I pulled away from the kiss and looked down. There stood Trunks, his eyes full of confusion.
"Gaga?" Trunks asked.
I quickly scooped him up in my arms and legs walked back to his room to put him in his crib. He instantly fell asleep, I walked back to Vegeta and hugged him.
"Vegeta you can't forget that we can't do that because I'm pregnant. Also where will the older Trunks sleep?" I asked.
"In one of the other rooms, he's about to leave to go to the future isn't he?" Vegeta asked.
"Oh yeah, he still has to kill the Androids in his Timeline." I said.
"So I think he'll only be here for about two more days." Vegeta said.
There was a knock at the door, I went downstairs to open it. Trunks was at the door, his clothes still ripped because he died when we were fighting Froze.
"Gohan, I'm going to be leaving tomorrow and I want to spend this last day with you." Trunks said.
I smiled and nodded.
"Vegeta I'll be back!" I yelled and then I stepped outside with Trunks.
Trunks' eyes widened and he looked at me.
"What?" I asked.
"Are you pregnant?"
"Who is the other father?"
"Your father."
Trunks sighed and then he put his arm around my shoulders.
"If I didn't die it could've been me." Trunks said sadly.
"Don't be sad Trunks, we can still be friends." I hugged him tightly.
"I wanted to be more then that." Trunks said.
"I'm sorry Trunks." I hugged him tighter to comfort him.
"Can I tell you about the Gohan in my time?" Trunks asked.
"Okay well, to start things off he was amazing."
Flashback (in 3rd person's view)
Trunks and Gohan were in Trunks' room, Trunks bouncing on Gohan's cock. Then Trunks moaned as he cummed all over Gohan, Gohan grunted and tensed up as he released inside of Trunks.
Trunks got off of him and lay down beside him.
Gohan wrapped his arms around Trunks and smiled.
"That was fun wasn't it Trunks?" Gohan asked.
"Yeah Gohan, can we do this everyday?" Trunks replied.
"Of course we can." Gohan kissed Trunks on his lips sweetly.
"Oh and by the way Gohan, I'm sorry about your arm." Trunks apologized.
Gohan chuckled and ruffled Trunks' hair.
"That's alright Trunks."
Then Gohan and Trunks fell asleep.
Gohan blocked and dodged all of Trunks' attacks, Trunks roared and flung his fist at Gohan. Gohan caught his attack easily and then he lightly punched Trunks in the face.
Trunks hit the ground, he got back up and then Gohan said,"How about we take a break."
"Okay." Trunks said and the two walked on top of a mountain.
They sat down on the mountain, Gohan had his arm wrapped around Trunks. The mountain was very tall, giving them a perfect view of the City.
"I remember what it was like before the Androids." Gohan said.
"Was it nice?" Trunks asked.
"Yeah. I miss my dad though, but I listened to him and remembered that he got Super Saiyan by getting angry. That's what I did, that's all you have to do Trunks." Gohan said.
"I'm trying Gohan. Oh and Gohan, can you tell me about my dad?" Trunks asked.
At the mention of Vegeta, Gohan blushed and his eyes seemed to be wet. Gohan sighed and looked up at the sky, seeing that it would probably rain later.
"Yeah. He was very stern and mean, but at times he was very sweet. Vegeta was a beautiful man, a perfect body and strong will with a strong determination to beat my dad." Gohan said with his cheeks faintly blushing.
Although Trunks did not know why Gohan was blushing.
"I miss him." Gohan said.
Suddenly a loud explosion interrupted their peaceful moment, Gohan got up and saw the explosions coming from the city.
Gohan clenched his fists and roared as he turned into a Super Saiyan. Trunks watched in awe as his mentor transformed, he also got up.
"I can't take this anymore, those damn Androids have ruined our lives. But not anymore, I'll kill them this time once and for all." Gohan growled.
"You can't go alone, you only have one arm. Even with your two arms they nearly killed you, you can't do this alone let me go with you. I've gotten stronger too, let me." Trunks pleaded not wanting his mentor and lover to die.
Gohan smiled and nodded.
"Your right Trunks, let's go." Gohan said.
"Yeah—" Gohan slapped his hand on the back of Trunks' neck, knocking him out. Gohan gently set Trunks on the ground.
"If you die, there won't be anyone else to save this world." Gohan said and flew to the city.
Gohan was flying full speed towards the Androids, he soon saw the two twin Androids and he roared as he slammed his foot into the male Android's face!
The Android went crashing into a building, his twin sister laughed at his brother and Gohan landed on the ground. Confidence keeping him to not run away.
The male Android climbed out of the demolished building and jumped, landing in front of Gohan and next to his sister.
"Our clothes isn't as durable as our bodies you jerk, these were my favorite clothes." The male Android said.
"Gohan was it? I'm surprised your still alive, after what we did to you a few months ago. Where's that little boy that always with you?" The female Android asked.
"He's resting! Besides I've been training ever since our last battle, I've grown stronger!" Gohan growled.
The male Android smirked and then he said,"That last battle, I wasn't even using half my power."
Gohan's confidence went down and was replaced by fear, his eyes widened and his mouth hung open.
"W-what?" Gohan asked in fear.
Then the two Androids lunged at him, the two punched him in the face. Gohan went crashing into a building, he got back up and lunged at the female Android. Gohan roared and punched her in the stomach, then he instantly turned around and punched the male Android in the face.
The two Androids went crashing into buildings, Gohan put his only hand in the air and formed a blast. He roared and flung the blast at the building the Androids are in. The explosion left a crater in the city, Gohan tried to catch his breath after using up all of his energy in that blast.
Suddenly the female Android appeared out of nowhere and punched his stomach. Gohan coughed up blood, then the male Android appeared and kicked his face.
Gohan spit out blood, he growled and punched the male one in the chest, but the male Android caught his fist. The female Android came up from behind and punched Gohan in the spine.
Gohan coughed up more blood, then the two started punching him at the same time. They threw attacks rapidly, each one too fast for him to dodge or avoid.
Fear started to fill Gohan, not fear of dying but fear of leaving Trunks and Bulma alone.
"I WONT DIE!!!" Gohan yelled and punched the female Android in the face.
She went sliding on the ground, the Gohan roundhouse kicked the male one in the face. Then Gohan pulled his hand back.
"KA ME HA ME...HA!!!!!" Gohan threw his only hand in front of himself shooting out a massive blue blast.
The blast exploded when it touched the Androids. Gohan knew they were still alive, but it doesn't matter. If he dies, then there will be someone else to save the World.
The Androids flew towards him slowly and then the laughed.
"Was that all you had?" The male one asked.
"After I die, someone else will appear and kill you two." Gohan said.
"Hahahaha! Your hilarious, now die." The female one said and punched his stomach.
The male Android clasped his hands together and slammed them on Gohan's back, sending Gohan crashing into the ground.
Soon rain started falling, Gohan lay in the wet ground and smiled.
"Trunks, I know you'll beat one day."
Then the two twin Androids started firing blasts down at Gohan repeatedly. Gohan screamed as each blast connected with his body. Then the two Androids blasted one more time, the blast went threw Gohan's chest and then the blast exploded.
Sending Gohan's mangled body in the air and then falling back down, face first. Dead.
Trunks woke up and looked around, confused. He sensed for Gohan's ki, but couldn't find it. He flew towards the city and started yelling Gohan's name.
"Gohan! Gohan!" Trunks yelled and then he saw a body in the wet ground.
The rain seemed to be pouring harder.
Trunks flew down and then he started walking towards the body, when he got closer he realized who it was.
Trunks ran to his mentor and held his head in his lap.
"Gohan wake up! Gohan!" Trunks started screaming as tears came out of his eyes.
Lightning lit up the sky, thunder shook the ground. Trunks pounded the ground repeatedly, he then started screaming in anger.
He felt a barrier inside of him collapse and suddenly all his hair stood up, turning gold. Trunks screamed and then he stopped screaming, he bent over and continued sobbing over Gohan's corpse.
Gohan's POV
I listened as Trunks finished his story with tears coming out of his eyes. I hugged him and kissed his cheek.
"It's okay Trunks." I comforted him.
Trunks hugged me back and continued sobbing.
"I miss him so much." Trunks said through tears.
"I know you do Trunks." I patted his back.
Trunks continued crying into my shoulder.



Hey guys!
Hope you liked the chapter, and to be honest I think this is my favorite chapter that I've written so far. Question of the day is, do you wish they revive Future Gohan in Dragon Ball Super?
Anyways hope you liked the chapter, vote, comment, and thank you all so much for reading this chapter.
See ya in the next update!
P. S. I love the movie they made for Trunks.

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