Thirty Three. 5th Month and my new brother Goten

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Gohan's POV
I was sweeping the house, Vegeta is out in the Gravity Chamber training. Trunks is sleeping in his room, suddenly the house phone started ringing.
I walked to the phone and placed it against my ear.
"Gohan! Get here quick, your baby brother is coming!!!" mom yelled on the other line.
I dropped the phone and then I slightly smiled, but then I heard mom groan in pain on the phone again.
I started sprinting out of the house, at full speed in Super Saiyan Two form. Soon I saw my old home coming into view. I ran straight through the door and saw mom moaning in pain on the floor.
I picked her up and then I started flying at full speed to the hospital.
"Darn it, the closest hospital is about 60 kilometers away. I'll just go super fast!!" I then started going faster.
"Gohan it hurts!" Mom moaned in pain.
I cursed and then I saw the city, I flew faster and landed in front of the hospital. I ran inside with mom still in my arms.
The lady sitting at the check in desk saw us and instantly called for a stretcher and doctors. About two minutes later doctors came running towards us with a stretcher in their hands.
They placed mom on the stretcher and rushed her to a room. I followed them, but a nurse stood in my way.
"I'm sorry but only the father of the child is allowed into the room." The nurse said.
"The father?" I asked getting angry.
Suddenly I felt a pat on my shoulder, I turned around and saw,
He smiled at me, a halo hovering over his head. Dad looked at the nurse and said,"I'm the father."
The nurse nodded and led my dad to the room. Dad is here, how could he be here!?
Right before he walked into the room, dad looked at me and smiled. Then he walked in the room with the nurse.
"D-da-daddy." I said.
I sat down on a chair outside the room and listened to mom's screams of pain, dad trying to calm her down. The doctors were talking and I heard many machines.
I held my hands together and prayed that mom would be okay.
Mom screamed as she did as she was told.
"There's the leg, a little more! Push!"
Mom screamed and then I heard a baby crying. My brother is born, the doctors cheered and dad laughed. I wish I could be in there to share this family moment.
"It's a boy. Congratulations Mr and Mrs. Son." The doctor said.
"Please hand us your baby, we'll return him once he's cleaned up. Also your other son outside of the room may now enter." A nurse said and then all the doctors left the room. Although I saw one nurse walking past me with a bundle of blankets in her arms.
I looked closer and saw a nurse holding Goten, his hair was exactly like dad's hair, I could see a tail.
I smiled.
"Welcome to the world, little brother." I said.
I stood up and walked into the room, mom was hugging dad as she cried. Dad was also crying, smiles on their faces.
I smiled and then they kissed, they pulled away from the kiss. Dad turned around and noticed me.
"Hey Gohan." Dad said and walked over to me.
He chuckled and patted my stomach, then he placed a hand on my head.
"I'm gonna read your mind, like how I did with Krillin on Planet Namek." Dad said and then he shut his eyes as he read my mind.
His eyes opened and he removed his hand from my head.
"So Vegeta is your mate. Good. I like Vegeta, by the way there's another Gohan in Otherworld. He's taller though, and has a missing arm with a scar on his face, wearing a Gi like mine. When he saw me he started crying and hugged me very tightly. I was really confused but then he told me he was from Trunks' timeline." Dad said.
Then Dad walked back to mom.
"I love you Chichi, you gave birth to my second child." Dad said and kissed Mom again.
There was a knock on the door and then a nurse stepped into the room.
She had papers and handed them to my parents.
"Just fill these out." The nurse said and then left the room.
Mom sighed and asked,"Do you have a pen?"
"I do." I said and handed her a pen.
She started filling them out and soon was done, although she held one more sheet.
"What should I name our son, Goku?" Mom asked Dad.
Dad looked thoughtful and then he smiled.
"Name him Goku Jr!" Dad said.
"Gohan Jr!"
"Chichi Jr!"
"Goku the second?"
"Gohan what do you think we should name your brother?" Mom asked.
I thought about it carefully and then I smiled.
"Goten." I answered.
Mom agreed and so did Dad, Mom put on his birth certificate the name: Goten.
She was done and handed the papers to me.
"Give these to the nurse please." Mom said.
I nodded and walked out of the room, I saw the nurse and handed her the papers. She took them and thanked me.
I walked back to the room and saw Mom and Dad kissing, again. I sighed and cleared my throat, they stopped then pulled away.
I shut the door behind me as I stepped in, then a question came into my mind.
"How are you here on Earth?" I asked Dad.
"Oh um, well most dead people don't know this but you have a one day trip back to the real world. I used mine to see my second son be born. Oh Chichi, don't make our son just be about studies like how you did with Gohan." Dad said.
"Okay Goku." Mom said and started rubbing Dad's hands.
Dad smiled at Mom, then he looked at me.
"Gohan, when your child is born. Train it to become even stronger then Cell, you, me, and Vegeta combined. I knew you'll do it." Dad said.
"Alright dad—"
Suddenly the window to our hospital room opened and someone jumped in the room. It was Vegeta, he stared at dad and smirked.
"Kakarot, your here. How come? How are you here? Let's fight one more time. What is it like in Heaven, I've died once but I didn't go to Heaven." Vegeta continued ranting on, but Dad frowned.
"Vegeta your ruining our family moment, my son was just born. Can you leave, I'll see you in a bit, just hold on a bit." Dad said.
Vegeta growled and leaped out of the window. I watched as Vegeta flew away. Dad looked at me and then Mom.
"So when I read Gohan's mind, I saw that you were giving your mother a hard time." Dad said.
"No I wasn't."
"I'll just not talk about it because I don't wanna start an argument. Let's just enjoy this." Dad said.
There was a knock at the door, I opened it and the nurse was back with Goten all cleaned up. She walked past me and handed Goten to my Mom. The nurse left the room, then Mom started kissing Goten on his nose.
"My little son. I love you Goten." Mom said.
Dad walked over to her and hugged the both of them. I smiled as I watched Dad pick up Goten and make him laugh. Goten's tail dangled down, Dad lightly tapped his tail making Goten laugh.
"I love my family."
Right now we are in Vegeta's house, not just us but all our friends. Everyone was surrounding Dad and Goten, Krillin told everyone that Android 18 is pregnant.
A lot of new little Z-Fighters are on their way. Dad is currently arm wrestling Vegeta, while everyone bet on who they think will win.
They were both in Super Saiyan form, veins throbbing on their foreheads and arms, then Vegeta smirked as he turned into Super Saiyan Two.
Dad looked at Vegeta in surprise, but then Dad also smirked as he turned into a Super Saiyan Two.
They were still evenly matched, but it looked like Dad has something else up his sleeve. But before he could do it, Mom yelled,"The food is done!"
Dad and Vegeta stopped arm wrestling and ran towards the food.
I saw Goten on the floor making sounds, I grabbed him and lifted him up.
"I love you Goten, your gonna grow and be rivals with Trunks aren't you? Heh, there's also Krillin's kid and mine. The next generation is coming, and your gonna be the strongest one out of all of them."

Hey guys!
Hope you liked the chapter, and yay Goten was born. Goku was back, but only for that one day. Sigh.
Question of the day, what do you like more, Dragonball, Dragonball Z, or Dragonball Super?
Anyways vote, comment, and see ya in the next update!

Friends with Benefits ( Dragonball Z Fanfiction Gohan x Vegeta Mpreg )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora