A small kind of rant

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I just want to tell every single person reading this one thing. Tattoo it into your brain, write it on your hand, anything to make sure you shut your mouth next time you feel like saying something like that.

If someone is sad, they're sad.

If someone is depressed, they're depressed.

If someone cries, they cry.

And you do not have the right to tell them they can't be. You do not have the right to go up to them and tell them to be happy, because someone else in the world has it worse.

Ofcourse someone else in the world has it worse. There are 7 billion people in the world, all in different situations with different problems.

"Saying that someone can't be sad because someone else has it worse, is like saying that someone can't be happy because someone else has it better."

Seems rather stupid, doesn't it? 

There are people that get sad without a cause. That do not have problems at home, have loads of friends, get good grades and have everything they could possibly want and they're still sad.

It happens. Sadness is an emotion that everybody has. Depression is something that can hit anybody, of all age, in all countries. No matter what the situation is. 

It's something I can get really mad about. People that think others don't have the right to be sad. Everyone has the right to be sad. 

Instead of telling them how ungrateful they are, you can just as well give them a hug and tell them that everyone is going to be alright. It works a lot better if you want to try and make their sadness disappear, it's something I can promise you.

The same goes for all of you out there that think that's it's normal to joke about things like depression, mental disorders, self-harm, bullying, abuse or any in that category. 

You think you're cool, huh? You think you're all big and tough, saying words about things that you've never experienced ever in your life.

If you think depression, self-harm, abuse, mental disorders, eating disorders and any of that is funny, there's something very wrong with you. There's more wrong with you than with any of the people dealing with any of that. They're stronger than you'll ever be, because despite the fact they've been going through horrific feelings, thoughts and situations, they're still here.

I bet you wouldn't be able to survive one day going through what they're going and have gone through. 

To everyone that has ever been joked about, that's ever been misunderstood, who's problems have been shoved out of the way and seen has unimportant: don't listen to them. You're better than that. You're worth more than that. 

Don't let them make your tough situation any tougher. 

I guess this was somewhat of the unusual. I don't rant much, because I barely get angry about things, but this is something ridiculous and pathetic that has been going around way too much. 

Don't let people tell you that your problems are less important than the problems somebody else might have. 

I love you ♥ 

- Kyran

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