A lot of loose ends

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As you may understand, this happens to all writer's (not that I like to call myself a writer). WDLHA has gathered quite a few readers over the past months and has sort of made me obliged to update it every once in a while (which is completely understandable). 

The only problem is, that I don't always know what to write about. I don't know what you guys want to read. I can write about depression every time. About how it's shit and how it will be okay, but I understand that gets slightly tiring after a while. I could write about my life, but that too, isn't all that interesting. 

I could write about the things I like and dislike, movies I've seen, books I've read, quotes I like. I know that I could write about anything, but the point is that I don't want to write about anything.

I want to write chapter that mean something to me and that will maybe eventually mean something to you. 

I haven't written this book alone. I've been inspired by my friends, it's been co-written by my friends here in Tennessee and my friends here on Wattpad. This book means something to me. It's almost holy and I can't start writing chapters just because I feel that I need to give you guys something to read. 

That's not how this book works. 

I've started to feel better over time. My depression isn't by far as bad as it was when I started this book and that too, makes it difficult to fill the pages. I can't write about depression, when I'm no longer that depressed. When I've managed to find a little happiness and hold onto it for dear life. 

I've asked some people to maybe write a chapter, but they too, have no clue what all of you would want to read. What would keep you interested? What would inspire you? What would make you want to come back to this book and read the next chapter and the next and the next? 

As you may know there's one chapter in this book that completely belongs to someone else. Her name's Inèz (@Inezmonsterbunny) and she has offered to help if we're not there to respond in time. I have just moved to my own appartment and am busy finishing high school, Alex is going to college and Matt too is busy finishing high school. Ofcourse, if there are more of you who are willing to help others, let me know and I'll place it here so more can read it. 

This is and will always be the difficult thing about the internet. I can't always be there to talk to you. To give you courage or tell you inspiring stories. Hell, it was already a surprise that so many of you found me inspiring, as there is nothing very special about me. I'm just a guy, who was feeling extremely sad and decided to take it out on a book, online. I never meant to start a little community. To suddenly be people's savior. To get messages that I made people change their mind about suicide, it's incredible. Me and everybody who helped writing this book are extremely thankful and extremely glad that this book managed to do that. That a few pages online can have such a big effect.

This chapter contains a lot of loose ends and I'm not sure if that bothers me. There are just a few important things that you need to remember:

1. This book wasn't only written by me. It was co-written. All of you have inspired me, my friends have helped me write it and Inèz helped me out when I had no clue how to put something in words. Your stories have meant the world in writing this book. You guys were my motivation to continue, to keep writing and I can't explain how grateful I am. 

2. Since I am at a point where I'm not sure what to write, I'd like you all to leave in the comments what you would like to see. Any questions you'd like to have answered, stories you would like to have told, things you'd like to explained, things you want to know about me, anything. Just let me know. Also if you want to have something in this book, you can PM me and I will consider placing it.

3. I am not the only person who can help. There are loads of people on Wattpad who are willing to help you if you are feeling depressed or suicidal. If you just want to talk or want to have something explained. If you are one of the people who are there to help, please let me know so I can place it where more people can see (as you see, already one is listed above). Don't wait until one of us gets online. If there isn't an instant reply, go to someone else. I know trust is hard, but they will never judge you. Everybody who is willing to help you, will never judge. 

I guess that's all. I hope you've all had a great last few days and that you manage to be a bit happy.

- Kyran

"What's depression like?" He asked.Where stories live. Discover now