Most books have a happy ending.

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Life is very fragile. Someone once told me "life is the longest thing you'll ever experience". It's like you get a book, full of blank papers and get the right, the gift, to write it exactly as you want. The only thing that they don't tell you, is that this is not completely true. 

Sure, it's a right and it's a gift, but you cannot write it completely as you want. Regardless of how many people try to make you believe that you control over your own life, for some of us this isn't true. For some of us things cross our path that take over our lives, start filling in the pages with words and sentences that scare us and make us sad. Sad and eventually unhappy. 

I've referred to these things in this book multiple times as demons. Everyone has demons. Some are small and live in the corners of our being, silently asleep. But others have demons that are dangerous and dark and grow every time another page is full. They destroy all the light, replace it with darkness and take the pen that was once given to you as a right, as a gift. 

That's also why I never try to tell you that life is beautiful. That there are worse things and that you need to stop complaining. That you need to start being positive. Because being positive is hard, when you don't control your own life anymore. When you don't control your feelings or thoughts or words. These demons slowly become a part of you, until they are you. 

This is the moment where people start to notice you've changed. That you have become quiet, that you ahve dark circles underneath your eyes, that you never go out anymore and that you try to stay away from people as much as possible. And why? Because the demons tell you to. They tell you that you're not good enough, that you should not bother other people - they don't want to help you anyway. 

So you take the book. Your rip it apart. You burn it. You die. 

Trying to take back control over your life, taking back the pen, is probably one of the hardest things you'll ever experience in your life. It takes strength - strength that you need to find within yourself - and courage to change who you've become. It takes very big balls to stand up and ask for help, because that's what you need. You need help to face these demons that have started to cover every single part of your life in darkness and sadness and loneliness. 

These demons aren't undefeatable. They might seem to be and they might tell you they are, but they're not. They're as strong as you allow them to be, so they'll be as weak as you want them to be. You can beat everything that crosses your path. Every demon, every unfortunate happening, every bitch, every asshole. You can accomplish anything you want, with anyone you like, at any place you want to be. 

It's your life. Your demons shouldn't be in it, so don't let them. It's your book, your story. Don't rip it apart, don't burn it, because it can turn out so incredibly beautiful.

Don't forget, most books have a happy ending.

- Kyran

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