Harry potter movie.

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"Alec, wake up! You have a training session with jace" you said.

"I don't feel so good" Alec groaned

"Yeah, you're not looking so good either" you said laughing

"If I leave this bed I will be sick, everywhere" Alec said.

"Wanna know something funny?" You said trying to hold back laughter.

"What?" Alec said.

"You gave Magnus your number last night, you were trying to be sexy about it. Funniest thing ever"

Alec groaned loudly and hid his face under the pillows.

"Listen, if you don't get up jace will come and wake you up himself" you said.

"Im getting up, are you happy" Alec said

"Quite. Now I'm going to get ready" you said.

You got to your room and started getting ready. You put on your black ripped jeans, Harry potter top, black converse and put your hair in a messy bun.

"Harry potter, what's that?" Jace said looking at your top.

"You don't know what Harry potter is? Are you serious! We're watching it tonight, did Alec get up" you said.

"Fine. Yeah, eventually" jace said.
"Have you seen Izzy. Is she back yet?" You said

"Nah, she should be back in a while. How long does Harry potter last?" Jace said

"About 22 hours. Don't worry we won't watch them all, tonight. Okay, can you let me know when she's back?" You said

"Yeah, where you going?" Jace said.

"I'm going to see Magnus. Fill him in about last night, I'll see you later" you said giving him a quick hug.

"(y/n)" jace said

"Yeah" you said raising your eyebrows.

"Never mind. I'll talk to you later" jace said

"Okay, bye" you said.

You walked in to Magnus apartment to find him asleep on the couch. There was glitter all over his face, it was quite a sight.

"Looking good uncle b" you said.

"I haven't had a chance to get ready yet. If you didn't notice I was asleep" he said rubbing his eyes

"Sure, anyway. I just wanted to fill you in on everything" you said sitting down.

You filled Magnus in on everything that had happened since arriving at the New York institute and about what Raphael told you last night. You also brought up your feelings for jace.

"If you like him you should tell him, what's the worst that could happen" Magnus said.

"I don't know if I want to tell him uncle b. I'm just confused, I'm gonna watch Harry potter with him tonight. Maybe I'll bring it up then, are you going to call alec" you said.

"Harry potter? Really (y/n). He's a shadowhunter I can only imagine what he'll make of it. Maybe, I felt something when I first saw him. Something I haven't felt in a very long time" Magnus said.

"I know, but I love it and he's never seen it. I think you should call him, anyway. I have to go back to the institute, I'll see you later uncle b" you said.

You arrived back at the institute to find izzy on the front steps, she seems upset.

"Hey, iz. Everything okay?" You said.

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