no more games.

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It had been around 3 days since you were saved. You were in your room lying in bed with max when Alec walked In and asked max to leave so he could speak with you.

"But I'm in the middle of watching this" max moaned.

"Its okay, kiddo. Ill pause it" you said.

Max groaned and got up out the bed and left. Alec came over and sat next to you.

"How you doing?" Alec said.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Magnus said I just need rest" you said.

"Have you spoken to him?" Alec asked.

"Spoken to who?" You asked

"Jace" he said quietly.

You tensed at the mention of his name, you haven't spoke since you basically admitted to being in Love with him.

"Uhh.. no, I haven't seen or spoken to him since that night in the hospital" you said.

"Yeah, I haven't seen much of him either" Alec said.

"Yes, well. I don't want to see him if I'm honest, he's messed with my head so many times Alec. I just don't see the point in trying anymore" you said.

"Dont give up on him (y/n). He's punishing himself" alec said.

"Well it seems as if he's punishing me. You know he told me he loved me. I haven't been able to speak to him properly about it all. It's driving me crazy, how's things with you and Magnus. He mentioned something about a date" you said giving Alec a sly smile.

"Yes" Alec said smiling. "We're going on a date"

It's good to see alec smiling. You thought, it's such a rare sight.

"And when is this date?" You asked.

"Friday" he said. "I'm nervous, this is my first date"

"First date ever or first date with a guy?" You chuckled

"First date ever, (y/n). What do I do?" He asked.

"God, your asking me on relationship advice?" You chucked. "You just talk, have a laugh and enjoy yourself. And if you have a good time you see them again"

"What if he doesn't have a good time, what if he doesn't like me?" Alec said.

"Of course he likes you, Alexander. He wouldn't have asked you out if he didn't" you said.

"Hey, I'm gonna go get something to eat want to come?" Alec asked.

"And risk the wrath of max? No, your okay"

Yous both laughed and Alec left. You watched the rest of the movie with max, he had fallen asleep half way through and you watched the rest on your own. You decided to get up and go get some food.

You made your way down to the kitchen when you bumped in to mayrse.

"Hello, (y/n). How are you feeling?" Mayrse asked giving you a small smile.

"I'm okay, thanks" you said.

"Have you seen max?"

"Yeah, he's still in my room. He fell asleep half way through the movie and I didn't want to wake him. I hope that's okay?" You said.

"Of course. He likes you a lot. I've never seen him spend so much time with someone that wasn't his sibling" she said.

You nodded and left. You walked in to the kitchen and decided to have some ice cream. You didn't bother to put it in a bowl you just grabbed a spoon and are it out the tub.

"You know we have bowls right?"

You froze when you heard that voice, it was jace. 'Great' I haven't seen him in days and this is how he sees me. You weren't in the mood to speak with him you turned around and pulled him a dirty look and went back to eating your ice cream.

"Dont be like that, (y/n)". Jace said.

"Dont be like what? I thought we were ignoring each other so that's what I'm going to do. Ignore you" you said.

"(Y/n), look. I've been meaning to come and see you"

You cut him off. "But you haven't so I guess that's it" you said. Putting the ice cream back in the freezer and making your way to the door.

He grabbed your arm. "I'm bad for you, (y/n). You risked your life for mine. If being with you means you putting your life at risk like that then I'm going to do whatever I can to make sure you don't. Even if that means avoiding you" he said.

You laughed, honestly if you didn't you probably would have cried. "Get a grip jace. I'm a shadowhunter, my life will always be at risk. Do you think I would have only traded myself for the sake of you. If it had of been alec or izzy in the same situation I would have handed myself over as well. Are you going to tell them to stay away from me as well? Is this How it's going to be?"

"(Y/n).. I just don't want to see you hurt, why can't you understand that" he said his hand reaching up to stroke your cheek. "I can't see you get hurt anymore"

You pulled his hand away. "Why can't you see what your doing to me now is hurting me Jace, you are hurting me more now than I would ever be out in the field"


"You know what jace, just cut the bullshit. I'm not playing this game anymore okay? I can't play it anymore, do you understand. Speak to me when your done playing" and with that you walked away.

You couldn't do it anymore, you just wanted him to be straight with you. You walked to the library and sat down. About 10 minutes later Jace came in and sat down next to you but didn't say anything you could tell he was thinking.

"What you thinking about?" You said. Finally giving in to your curiosity

"I was thinking about the first time I ever saw you" he said, "and how after I couldn't forget you. I wanted to, but I couldn't stop myself. And even back then when I saw you sitting around the institute with Alec, it felt wrong to me - I should have been the one sitting with you. The one who made you laugh like that. I couldn't get rid of that feeling. That it should have been me. And the more I knew you, the more I felt it - it had never been like that for me before, I'd always wanted a girl and then gotten to know her and not wanted her anymore, but with you the feeling just got stronger and stronger until I just knew that I loved you. You wanted me to be straight with you, well thats it. (Y/n), I Love you and I probably always will"

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