Chapter 16

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Alexia POV

I am greeted by the beautiful pearly white smile of Niall when I get back to my dorm room.  "You look amazing Alexia," he smiles as he wraps his arms around me in a warm embrace. I breathe in the scent of his cologne, instantly letting the scent relax the tension I feel in my body. 

"You seem stressed, what's wrong?" Niall asks, as if he has a sixth sense of all that is running through my head. 

"Oh nothing, just ran into someone at the event that kind of set me off, its fine its over.  I just want to spend time with you," I sigh.  The last thing I want to do right now is talk to Niall about how utterly rude Louis Tomlinson had been to me, and I really didn't want to think about why he would have been in Harry's house to begin with.  It was a waste of energy and time to think about Louis. 

"Louis?" Niall asks.  Was it that obvious to everyone that we had a problem? I nod my head. 
"Alexia I'm going to talk with him.  This is ridiculous, he can't talk to you this way! You are doing him nothing but a favor and he treats you like the bottom of the barrel.  He thinks he is all high and mighty but someone needs to put him in his place, it's about time."

"Niall, really its fine. That will just make things worse."

"Fine," Niall lets out a sigh, but I can tell by the look on his face that he is not quite ready to drop the subject.  "How 'bout we get out of here for awhile? I have the perfect place.," he gives me a smirk and I feel my heart beat a little faster. 

Niall grabs my hand and softly intertwines his fingers with mine.  He guides me down the stairs and across the campus. 

"Where are we going?" I laugh, as we continue to climb what seems like an endless trek up the hill on the far side of campus.  As we reach the crest, however, I gasp.  At the top of the hill sits a blue-checkered blanket surrounded by candles and a bottle of wine. 

"Niall what is this?" I ask, taken aback by the romantic gesture. 

"Just sit down," he smiles and pours me a glass of wine.  "Alexia, I really love spending time with you," he looks me straight in the eyes.  My heart beat quickens and I feel butterflies in my stomach.  

"I love spending time with you too Niall," I smile back.

"And I just really want to spend more time with you, and get to know you even better," he pauses briefly, and takes a big breath.  "Will you be my girlfriend Alexia Hollaway?"

My face breaks out into a smile the size of the Grand Canyon.  "Yes. Yes, Niall yes," he leans in to kiss me and I take in the tenderness of his lips against my own.  It was one of those fairy tale moments that you dream about when your a little girl.  No matter how bad my day had been going I now had this gorgeous man at my side, a glass of wine in my hand and the most breathtaking view of campus under the moonlight.  For the first time since I had been at college, I truly felt like things were going my way. 

Louis POV

The fresh scent of the turf at six a.m. gives me the clarity I needed after a rough day of non-important girls getting under my skin.  I lace up my cleats and begin to mindlessly dribble the ball back and forth between my knees.  I hear the rest of the boys arriving for morning practice, dragging of course.  Most people hated morning practice, but for me there was no better way to start out my day than with the game that I loved. 

"Tomlinson," I hear Horan's voice come up behind me. 

"Horan.  You are quite bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this morning, to what do I owe this increase in energy?"

"We need to talk," he says in a serious tone. 

"Isn't that what we are doing right now mate?" I say with a laugh.  Horan was one of those people who never ceased to get on my bad side.  He truly brought out the worst in me. 

"About my girlfriend, Tomlinson, I'm sick of you treating her like absolute shit."

"Your girlfriend? Horan you have got to be more specific, I can't keep track of all the girls you chase after on a weekly basis." I know this will only get a rile out of him.  I  can only assume which girl he is talking about and I only hope that Alexia hasn't been stupid enough to believe that Niall wants to take part in a serious relationship with her. 

"Stop the jokes Tommo you know damn well that I'm talking about Alexia. I don't know what kind of beef you have with her but you need to stop treating her the way you do," Niall starts to raise his voice. 

"Calm down there buddy.  I am nothing but a gentleman to Alexia, just because I choose to have a life outside of my schoolwork and she doesn't agree with that decision doesn't mean that I'm treating her poorly.  In fact, if I remember correctly, I have actually given her advice on numerous occasions," I snark.

"Advice on what?" Niall asks and I can see his fists clenching together. 

"Well for one, I've told her that you aren't necessarily the most reliable guy.  I mean I know your reputation with girls Horan.  You find one,  get her to practically worship the ground you walk on and then as soon as you find someone new and more interesting you drop her like yesterday's trash.  If anyone has been treating her badly its you."

Niall starts to lunge towards me.  "My relationship with Alexia has absolutely nothing to do with you. Mind your own business."

"Admit it Niall, your worried that she will see right through your little act."

"It's not an act Louis, we both know you're just jealous that she likes me over you."

"Jealous? Believe me Niall, I'm the furthest thing from that. You can keep your science nerd girlfriend and all her emotional issues and self-pity."

That's all it takes for Niall to lunge at me and tackle me to the ground.  He tries to throw a punch but I get to him first, knocking him straight in the jaw.  We continue to wrestle on the ground until I hear coach whistling towards us and someone finally separates  the two of us.  My hand stings from the impact of the punch and see Niall's lip is bleeding.  I look down to see my hand, already beginning to turn black and blue. 

"Boys this is unacceptable.  Go home, you are suspended from today's practice," coach says. 

I glare at Niall as I grab my bag from the bench.  He gives me a glare back.  "Idiot," I spit under my breath as we pass.  All I know is that I can't wait to see how Alexia explains her "boyfriend's" behavior during lab this afternoon.

Sorry it has been so long since I updated.  This semester is kicking my butt.  So what do you think about Niall and Alexia's relationship?

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