Chapter 17

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Alexia POV

I know from the minute I hear Louis' footsteps echoing through the lab door that afternoon that something is going on. The sound of him dropping his backpack onto the table next to our lab bench is enough to make me jump.

"Someones in a mood" I mutter as he takes his place next to me. Louis is silent for a few minutes. I take a look at Louis and gasp at the sight of his swollen right eye, with shades of purple beginning to peer through the skin.

"Whoa, what happened to you?" I let the words slip out of my mouth. The minute they leave my lips I instantly regret it. Louis inhales sharply.

"Are you really that soft?" He practically yells, his voice breaking the silence.

"What are you talking about Louis?" I ask taken aback by his attack.

"Hmm, what could I be talking about Alexia? Maybe the fact that you feel so offended by my every action that you sent your so-called boyfriend after me instead of confronting me yourself. Maybe the fact that I was kicked out of my practice, and probably won't be able to play at the game on Saturday. Because of what? Because you cried about how big and mean your lab partner was too you. For God's sake Alexia I have a black eye. "

"Louis, I.." I start but he interrupts me.

"I warned you about Niall you know, I told you he was no good and then what do you do, you go and let him sweep you off your feet."

Louis did mention to stay away from Niall. Multiple times. But why did he think I would listen to his advice of all people. My heart starts to beat a little faster as I feel the temperature in my body rise.

"I told him not to!" Something from deep within my body shouts. Louis looks taken aback.

"I told him not to." I say again my voice much softer. "Yes, I told Niall about what happened at Harry's. Yes I told him you treat me like crap, but I didn't tell him to talk to you about it. I know you think I'm weak and get my feelings hurt easily but you know what Louis I can handle things myself thank you very much"

I feel a wave of relief pass over my body as if all my anger over the first few weeks had been released and I was at peace with my emotions. There was something about Louis that brought the fire out of me. 

"And as far as my relationship with Niall goes Louis, why don't you mind your own business for once? You don't see me criticizing you for sticking around with that Barbie for so long."

Louis gives me a blank look. No doubt processing the information that I just threw at him. No doubt coming up with his next snarky remark.

"Wow Holloway, didn't know you had that in you." He says with a smirk. "But you need to tell your boyfriend that he has absolutely no right talking to me the way he did."

"He's just looking out for me Louis I'm sure..." I begin to say.

"Is that what that was? Because to me it looked a lot more like Horan trying to pick a fight with me" Louis scoffs. I can tell he's not going to back down from this argument. 

Why would Niall talk to Louis if I specifically asked him not to? He did promise me he would keep it between the two of us.  My mind starts to wander back to what Louis had told me about Niall in the past.  Was there something about Niall that I should be weary about? Had I made a bad decision by starting a relationship with him?

No.  What am I thinking? This is exactly what Louis wants, he wants to make it all seem like its my fault.  He wants to distract me from the real problem that we are facing here.  The fact that he treats me like I am nothing but a tool for his success. 

"Why were you in Harry's apartment?" While I'm feeling brave I might as well put it all out on the table right?

"You can't change the subject" Louis stutters looking straight into my eyes with his icy blue ones.

I stare back. "Answer the question"

"Its really none of your business."

"My relationship with Niall is none of your business either and that doesn't seem to stop you from giving me  feedback on it.  So just answer my question" Louis has brought out a sassy side in me and I feel like a lion that can't be tamed. 

"I was getting help with Chemistry.  Harry tutors me. Drop it. " His voice has a sense of hesitation behind it and I feel there is more to the story then a simple tutoring session. Harry was hosting a big event, I doubt tutoring Louis was his first priority.  I, however, being a woman of intelligence, realize that I have achieved a small victory by getting an answer from Louis Tomlinson.  I decide to drop the subject.

I study Louis's face again.  His eye turning a darker shade of purple with every passing minute.  "Does Niall?" I say simply motioning towards my eye. 

"Oh, Horan.  He is much worse off then I am of course. You really think he stood a chance against me in a tousle?" Louis laughs. His accent adding an almost sinister tone to it.  I feel a mortified look cross my face, but quickly resolve it before Louis can comment on it further. 

"You're an ass Louis Tomlinson"

"And you Alexia Hollaway are one of the most annoying people I have ever met. Tell your boyfriend to let me be, or maybe stop telling him whatever lies you are about me hurting your feelings." He stands up from the lab bench and its only then I notice the scabs on his knuckles, from what I can only assume was the fight with Niall. 

"Where are you going? We need to work on the project." I stammer. 

"I really can't stand to be in the same room as you right now, so say what you want but I think its best if I sit this one out." He say slinging his backpack back over his shoulder. 

"Whatever Louis" I say rolling my eyes. 

"Don't come crying to me when he reveals his true colors." says Louis, as he storms out of the room.  And for the first time since I met Louis Tomlinson, soccer extraordinaire, I feel like I may have gotten to him.  Even for just a second.

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