Chapter 8

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***Carson's P.O.V.***

Elizabeth had fallen asleep an hour ago on the second bed in my hotel room. The poor girl had been crying for almost the whole day and when she got here she just dropped onto the bed and was out immediately. Now that she was sleeping like a rock, I got on to Skype to talk to the only person I could talk to right now; Louis. He didn't answer right away and when he did he had a slight sheen on his cheeks and forehead. His breath was coming out in pants and I noticed that he had a towel around his neck as well as nothing covering his torso. Then again, with the problem at hand, I wasn't paying too much attention to his lack of clothes.

''Hey, Carson,'' he greeted glumly while plopping onto wherever his laptop was sitting.

''How.dare.he...'' I seethed in response and he raised his hand up to his hair while tugging on it slightly. He looked tired, and I am sure that I looked furious.

''I wasn't expecting it either,'' he shook his head, ''he was drunk-.''

''I dont care if he was f****** drunk, he tried to rape Elizabeth,'' I snapped, ''do you know how scarred she's going to be because of this. She just got over-.'' I stopped myself before i could say anything more and covered my face with my hands. I could feel the tears coming as I shook my head and tried to stop them. I wasn't supposed to cry; I hadnt since a year ago and I didn't plan on doing it again. However, this was my friend and the guy I had wanted to set her up with almost defiled her. It was beyond comprehension.

I was surprised to hear heavy gasps and I was about to look over to Elizabeth's bed to see if she had woken up crying again, but then I saw that it was Louis. One of his hands was pulling at his brown and tousled hair in frustration while the other was desperately wiping away falling tears. The skidded down his cheeks as if it was a race and they were already pooling at his chin before dripping off. I had rarely seen guys cry. Maybe Alex, my father and my younger brother (though he always had tantrums when he was really young so I was used to that), but Louis struck me as a person who wouldn't be caught dead crying in front of someone.

''I'm s-so sorry,'' he cried while struggling to take in deeper breaths that made him shake even more. His shoulders would spaze for a moment before calming and then starting up again. ''I-I should've been there, it w-wouldn't have h-happened.''

''Oh, Louis,'' I sympathized before I felt myself shaking with sobs again. The headache that came from crying too much made my head throb so much that it felt too unbearable and added to the pain. My shoulders slumped as we both sat there sobbing like babies. I was surprised that we didn't wake up Elizabeth, but she just slept right through all of our noise.

''I f-failed y-you both,'' he gasped through his cries but I shook my head.

''No, you didn't,'' I assured him, ''like you said; no one would have expected this.''

''S-still, his p-past wi-th women should h-have warned me,'' he insisted.

''Stop that, it's j-just as much my fault,'' I shook with the words before continuing, ''I-I'm a h-horrible friend.''

''No, yo-u're not,'' he protested. We both just let it out for as long as we needed to and once we were done it was somewhere around two o'clock in the morning. I wiped my eyes and forced a smile onto my face while still letting out shaky sighs. He tried to do the same.

''We should both get to bed,'' I prompted.

''Please don't leave yet,'' he pleaded and I nodded though I was struggling to keep my eyes open. The fatigue that sets in after a long and hard cry was starting to get to me and I knew it wouldnt be much longer before I was going to pass out. ''Just don't go yet, I don't want you to,'' he kept repeating while I just kept nodding. We talkied about pointless things until the clock struck four and I felt my head hit my pillow.


Aw, poor Louis. Sorry for the slightly depressing chapter, but tune into the next two chapter of Ditched if you want to know the secret both Elizabeth and Carson are hiding from the boys. :)


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