Chapter 11

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***Louis' P.O.V.***

Besides the fact that I walked into Elizabeth and Carson's hotel room to find Harry there and Elizabeth crying, I couldn't really come up with anything wrong with the day so far. I had gotten him away from her after all, and he hadn't tried anything except talking to her. I don't care if he was crying by the time I had pushed him out of the door; he was wrong on so many levels to have come there and pushed her emotions like that. So, I was left to comfort Elizabeth even as she made the phone call to him to say she'd stay at the flat while going to Uni.

I tried to make her think about it more thoroughly, but she insisted upon going to see him. I just hoped Harry didn't break her heart again. Though, her accepting his offer to stay at the flat during college made me a little mad. I just couldn't see why Carson was so adamant about not staying with me. After all, Harry tried to take advantage of Elizabeth and she was still coming back, so what was so horrible about Carson coming to stay with me?

As I was thinking about it, the door creaked open and I looked to see that it was Carson. ''Where's Elizabeth?'' she wondered after looking around the room and seeing the Twix bag but not seeing our favorite little brunette eating them.

''She's talking to Harry,'' I told her and her jaw dropped.

''What?!'' she exclaimed in disbelief, ''how... where?''

''Some café, but don't worry, she's alright. A little shaken up, but alright,'' I assured her.

''Why is she shaken up? What happened?'' she demanded urgently.

''Harry came here and tried to talk to her,'' I explained and her face turned red with anger.

''I'm going to go find them and kill him with a spoon like I promised,'' she growled before heading back towards the door. I grabbed her wrist before she could and she turned to glare at me.

''No,'' I stated simply.

''No? Louis, let me go,'' she commanded.

''No, they're having their talk and we're going to have ours,'' I insisted as I pulled her towards the bed. She was too surprised by my demanding tone and statement to do anything but follow and she sat on the bed before finding her voice again.

''A-a talk?'' she stuttered slightly. I nodded. ''About what?'' that time her voice had a bit more confidence in it.

''About you going to college,'' I clarified.

''What about it?'' she wondered. 

''Why wont you stay at my flat?'' I persisted on the answer and she froze for a moment.

''I-I already told you, Louis, my family and the job not to mention the mone-,''

''But you could have all that at my flat too, excluding the family,'' I interrupted, ''you wouldn't have to pay for a dorm because I'd be letting you stay with me for free. You could still get a job and you could Skype your family everyday if you wanted to.''

She shook her head and closed her eyes as she let out a heavy sigh, ''Louis, I said no, okay? I want to be close to my family and I just cant be around you.'' Once the last words left her mouth her eyes shot open and she looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

I stopped, my anger seeping away as it was soon replaced by hurt, ''you cant be around me?''

''No, Louis, it's not what you think, I just like the whole Skyping thing and I wouldn't want to intrude on your life anymore than I already have,'' she tried to excuse herself with that but I could tell each word was a lie. ''Do you understand that?''

I looked down at my lap with a defeated look before nodding slightly and putting a smile on my lips. She smiled back though it seemed forced. ''Can I just do something really quick?'' I questioned and she raised an eyebrow in confusion.

''Sure, what?'' she wondered. I leaned forward and pressed my lips to hers. All my cares flew into the wind because I figured I had nothing left to lose. After all, I would be leaving tomorrow to get back to the UK and she didn't have to Skype me if I ruined everything with this. Plus, once she goes back to the US and starts college she'll forget all about me so why not?

I peeked open one eye to see her reaction and she was wide eyed until they slowly started to close. I smirked into the kiss because, even if she didn't exactly feel the same way, she was kissing me back and I was enjoying it as much as humanly possible. Within a few moments her hands found my hair and mine rested on her hips to pull her closer to me. She pulled away quickly after I moved to deepen the kiss.

''Whoa, whoa, wait,'' she rushed out while backing away from me. She let out an irritated huff as she rubbed her temples like she had an oncoming headache. ''What are we doing?'' she asked as if our actions were totally insane.

''Well, we were kissing,'' I smirked.

''Why? This is so messed up,'' she muttered and my smile slowly went away.

''It's not messed up; I like you and that's why I have been so insistent on having you stay at my flat. I was hoping I could change your mind,'' I mumbled the last part and she just looked at me for a second, ''don't worry about it though, I'll go and Elizabeth and you can watch the movies together.'' I went to stand up from the bed, feeling the sting of rejection ten times worse because I had actually thought she'd change her mind.

However Carson grabbed my wrist before I could leave and pulled me back to the bed where she took my face between her hands and brought my lips back to hers. ''Don't leave,'' she mumbled when she pulled away from the kiss. I had no idea what just happened but I liked it. I liked it a lot.

''I wont,'' I told her before pulling her in for another kiss that I knew would leave us both gasping for air in the end. And we kept with the kiss, until Elizabeth's voice was heard by the door, ''Could you guys possibly make out on Carson's bed and not mine?'' We pulled away from each other before realizing it was Elizabeth and jumping to our feet. ''Or I could just go...'' she prompted. As horrible as it sounded, I wouldn't mind that if it meant Carson and I could continue.

Carson had a different idea though, ''No! Louis brought your Twix and a movie.''

''Mhm, well I'm sure you both are going to have a great time watching that movie,'' Elizabeth implied cheekily and even though Carson was fire hydrant red, I was wearing a small smirk.


I know what you're saying: They kissed this early in the story? Where's the fun in that? Believe me; there is a lot more to come readers. A lot.


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