Chapter 25

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***Louis’ P.O.V.***

“Boys!” a certain brunette’s deep voice boomed throughout the tour bus. You would think that he would stop yelling all of the time since we were all in such close quarters, but that wasn’t the case. Harry was as loud as ever now that we were back on tour (this time we were in America). I had a feeling it was due to residual excitement from being just recently engaged, but it could also be the fact that he’s an obnoxious idiot most days. That’s all right, though, the guys and I still love him… most of the time.

“I will not be addressed so rudely!” Niall’s voice replied to Harry’s call. He sounded like he was near the front of the bus; maybe he had been talking to Ken, the driver of the bus. “I am a man and I will be called such!”

I couldn’t help but to snicker at his words while I paused my earlier actions of scrolling through things on my phone. “A man? Tell that to your chest hair!” Harry yelled back. It was just adding to my amusement: God, I love being in the bus with them. It was never a dull moment that was for sure. That was only our first day on the tour bus, too, so it was bound to only get better. It was almost funny enough to take my mind off of all of my current issues.

“Ha! I have more chest hair than you, man child!” Niall hit back, and I could hear Harry groan as if he had just realized the flaw in his joking insult. I was tempted to pull back the curtain of my bunk and see if he was in my line of sight so that I could watch the playful spat. However, I stayed put and listened to it as they went on.

“Would you just come to the table? I need to talk to all of you,” Harry said.

“Would you just cut your hair?” Liam’s voice chimed into the small and humor filled fight. Niall’s loud laugh could be heard from his place on the bus, and I couldn’t help a smile from coming onto my lips. The conversation was rich; fans would give anything to hear us actually carrying on like that.

“F*** yourself, Liam,” Harry sang back good heartedly. There was no malice in his voice, but I think he was getting frustrated that we weren’t doing what he said. We never really did what he said, so he should be used to it. When it came to Harry, it wasn’t very threatening until he was actually mad at you and yelling at you. We all knew what that was like, and it wasn’t pretty, but it was nothing like his joking words now.

“That’s okay, he has me to do it for him,” Zayn spoke up, and another laugh came from Niall. Liam was soon to follow.

“Whoa,” Harry had to laugh as well, “Does Megan know about this?”

“Yeah, she’s fin with it,” Liam called back and made it sound like it was completely normal to say what he was saying, “I can’t help that I get lonely on tour.”

“Can I join in?” Niall added.

“Hell yeah,” Liam drawled out. While he said the words, he walked past my bunk and towards where Harry was at. Well, Harry had one person there; he just had to get us all out of our own places and to where he was at. I was too comfortable to get up for the time being; I had burrowed into my bunk when we got on the bus in the morning, and I had already soaked the pillows with tears an hour before so it wasn’t going to get much cozier than that.

“Liam,” Zayn whined from wherever he was at, “I don’t want to share.”

“There’s something seriously wrong with you guys,” Harry sighed even though a laugh was soon to follow. Other than the few times I had laughed, I had been quiet, and I wasn’t sure if they knew where I was. Then again, I’m sure they wouldn’t be surprised to find me in my bunk. “But seriously; come to the table so that I can talk to you,” he insisted. I groaned into my pillow, and I the curtain to my bunk swayed a little when Zayn and Niall passed by. After a moment of just sitting there and listening to them all getting settled at the table near the back of the bus, I started to pry myself from my covers. “Louis,” Harry called impatiently.

Crazy (a Louis Tomlinson love story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz