Chapter 17

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***Louis' P.O.V.***

“Welcome to our humble abode,” Carson’s father boomed while he ushered us into the large house. My flat was pretty large itself, but this was like taking it to the next level. This was a regular house on steroids, and those steroids had taken steroids of their own. When Carson had said her parents earned a decent living, I didn’t think that she meant mansion type of decent living.

I dragged Carson and I’s suitcases through the arching doors of the humungous house with a small grunt. Of course, had to act like a gentleman and offer to take Carson’s bag inside for her. It was a little heavy, though, and I was soon regretting my insistence on the subject. Hers weighed more than mine, and I had actually packed a lot of stuff this time. She said that her family wanted to bring me along to a few places in New York, and I didn’t know what the dress code for those places would be, so I had decided to be safe and pack every type of outfit that I could. Let me just tell you, I felt my masculinity drop while I was packing so much stuff.

“This is very nice, Edgar,” I mumbled out through my awe. We were on a first name basis now due to his persistence; he had said that I was Carson’s longest relationship and therefore I had gained the right to call him by his first name. I was admittedly beaming like an idiot when he told me that, because I wasn’t an idiot and I could tell that I was lucky to have Carson in my life. She hadn’t gotten sick of me yet, and I hoped that she never would.

“Oh, don’t give him the chance to boast,” Carson laughed from beside me, giving her father a hug after the words, “after all, the mortgage is paid off and everything; he’ll talk your ear off about how very proud he is of being able to provide this much.” She made it sound so normal, though, I knew it was because she hated it when people made a big fuss over her family being so wealthy. It had been one of the things she had first told me on our way here; she didn’t want me to get focused on how much money was at her disposal because she didn’t want me to think that she was another spoiled rich kid. I had known her long enough, and loved her long enough, to know that that was hardly the case.

“Carson!” a prepubescent boy’s voice called from the large stair case on the other end of the foyer. Before I could even snap my fingers (though I have no idea how I would have managed to do that while hanging onto these blasted bags) her younger brother had tackled her in a tight hug. Carson let out a huff; Tim had probably knocked the wind out of her with his sudden embrace.

“Hey, Tim,” she smiled once she had caught her breath again, “how’s it been going?”

“Slow with you being gone,” he answered, letting her go for only a moment before pulling her into a tight hug. Once he had finally let her go for good, he turned to me and looked me up and down. “You sounded shorter over the phone?” he stated after just seeming to stare at me for the longest of time.

“I sounded short?” the words didn’t exactly make sense, and I raised an eyebrow at him which made a small smile break out onto his features. He shrugged his shoulders and stuck out his hand which surprised me a little. This kid had some manners and he was only ten! “I’m Timothy, but you probably already knew that,” he greeted once I let go of one of the bags and took his smaller hand in mine.

“I’m Louis, but you probably already knew that,” I copied his words with a welcoming smile taking over my lips. When I let go of his hand, he beamed at me and nodded.

“He seems alright,” he told Carson as he gave her a glance. Both Carson and her father laughed at his next words, “you can keep him around.”

Carson ruffled his hair slightly, “glad to hear that he passed your test, little man.”

“Hey,” he protested once hearing her words, “I’m not little.”

“Prove it,” she challenged playfully and nudged his side, “go get a cookie from the jar for me, and then I’ll believe you.” A faux glare made its way onto his features before he nodded and scurried off in a random direction. She only laughed as he made his way away from us. “He’ll be trying all day.”

Her father cleared his throat to catch our attention and we both turned to him. I leaned down and picked up the suitcase I had dropped when going to shake Tim’s outstretched hand, but I still kept my eyes on him. “Louis, your room is up the stairs and the first door on your left. Carson’s is the second door on the right.”

“Separate rooms, dad, really?” Carson’s voice was nearing a whine with her words and her dad shook his head at her.

“Sorry, but it’s your mother’s rule; she doesn’t want to give Tim any ideas for when he has a girl in the house,” Edgar told her, and-even though I wasn’t all too happy about having to sleep in a separate room than Carson-I could see his point with the words. Tim was still fairly young, after all, and cutting down on some unnecessary influences would be wise.

“It’s okay, Carson, it’s only for a few days,” I shrugged. My words were only really a cover of what I meant, though. I might have understood why they would want us to have separate rooms, but I could already tell that I would be sneaking into her room sometime during the night. I just didn’t sleep well without her right beside me. It was one of those comfort things; I liked to know that she was completely safe with me beside her.


Hey, guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I know that it is short so i am sorry, but the next one will be longer. This was just sort of something that needed to happen so that I could get to the next chapter. Hopefully, the next one will be up Monday. If I have the chance; i will update before then :)


Crazy (a Louis Tomlinson love story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora