Chapter 33

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***Carson’s P.O.V.***

“Elizabeth, it’s time to wake up,” I cooed softly as I brushed my hand against her cheek gently. She had given me the spare key card for her and Gemma’s hotel room the night before because they both said that an alarm wouldn’t be enough to wake them up. After all, it had been a long night the night before and everyone was beyond tired. I had to wake up the other three girls as well, and they were getting their makeup and dresses out in order to get ready. I had heard the loud laughter from the boys leaving the hotel, and that was my cue to go get Elizabeth and bring her to the room to get ready.

“Five more minutes,” she mumbled back while she buried her face further into the pillow. Ii was very tempted to go into the bathroom and somehow get a bucket of cold water from the tub, but I didn’t think that that would be the best way to wake up on your wedding day. So, I just continued to fondly play with her hair and pester her by calling her name. Eventually, she groaned and rolled over to look at me. At first, there was a scowl on her features from being woken up, but it slowly molded into a wide smile. “I’m getting married today,” she giggled happily.

“I know, it’s so exciting,” I smiled as I looked down at her. She was wiggling around under the covers slightly, and it looked like she was trying to get something from her pajama pants. When her hand was revealed, there was a small slip of paper in it, and she held it out to me giddily.

“Harry wrote it,” she told me while waiting for me to read it. I let my eyes wander over the words, and I couldn’t help but to let my smile grow when an ‘aw’ slipped past my lips. Harry was such a sweet guy; he had really redeemed himself from when they had first been together, and I was happy to see that they had gotten past everything. As long as Elizabeth was happy and felt safe with him, then I was happy for them.

“All of that songwriting shining through,” I said, and she nodded while sitting up in the bed and then looking over to where Gemma was waking up as well. “C’mon, get out of bed so that we can get you ready,” I prompted, and I got up off of the mattress so that she could push the covers away and from herself and swing her feet over the edge. She stood up on rather wobbly leg, and then turned to make sure that Gemma was fully up as well. She was, and I beckoned them towards the door before holding it open for them and then shutting it behind us.

The other girls were waiting anxiously in the room where we were all going to get ready. Sonja, who was a cosmetology guru since she was majoring in it back in New York, was already working on Megan’s hair and had finished Navaeh’s. It was simple enough for the bridesmaids; just a few curls in the hair and that was it. So, it didn’t take her long to finish Gemma and I’s hair. Elizabeth’s hair would be a bit more difficult, and Sonja told her to put the dress on first so that there was no chance of messing up her hair.

We were all sitting on the bed patiently when Elizabeth took the covered dress into the bathroom to get dressed. It would only take her a few minutes, probably, but those few minutes were filled with anxious anticipation. I was the only one who hadn’t seen her in the dress other than Sonja; we didn’t live in the UK so it was hard to help with the little details of the wedding. I was more than ready to see my best friend walk out of the bathroom looking like a princess. The thought was even making me a little emotional; it was so amazing to think that someone who was practically a sister to me was going to be getting married.

Elizabeth stepped out when she had the dress on, and I swear Sonja gasped so loudly that everyone in the hotel could hear. Everyone wore wide smiles, and I felt like mine was about to split my face in two. The dress really was beautiful; it was strapless with a sweetheart neckline and an empire waistline. The torso part of the Dress was filled with small beads that formed swirled and intricate designs. After it hit the waist line, the dress flowed out freely until it met the ground. Elizabeth looked truly stunning in it, and I was sure that her groom would agree when he saw her later.

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