Chapter 10

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***Carson's P.O.V.*** (if you've read Ditched this might sound a bit familiar)

Today was the day that Louis was coming to France to see us. I'm pretty sure Elizabeth could tell that I was about to have a panic attack or something along those lines due to how excited I was, but she only smiled brightly at me. After the amazing day we had at the spa, courtesy of Louis, I was more than ready to add to the excitement. Louis was supposed to come back earlier that it was right then, but apparently something happened at the airport and he couldn't go with Elizabeth to the hotel. So, Elizabeth and I sat and talked while we waited for him in his hotel room, which he had old the concierge to let us into when we got there.

After almost an hour of nervous excitement the door to the room creaked open and I jumped up to go see that it was, in fact, Louis. It had been the first time I had seen him in person and the computer screen did him no justice. His hair was a bit tousled like it normally was, and he was taller than I had expected him to be. He was well built, you know, kind of like a swimmer with a perfect balance between not too much muscle and not too little. The blue in his eyes seemed a lot more vibrant though they also glittered with nervousness. Overall, he was one of the best good looking guys I had ever seen. (And I have seen some pretty good looking guys)

''Louis!'' I exclaimed happily and he quickly raised his pointer finger to his lips for me to be quieter before he sighed in relief and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. I raised an eyebrow at the whole quiet thing even though he couldn't see.

''Carson!'' he whisper/yelled as he hugged me. I groaned at how tight his hold was, but I kept hugging him.

''Why are you whispering ?'' I wondered when he released me but he only shook his head in response before hugging Elizabeth.

''I swear I didn't mean for him to follow me here,'' Louis whispered while he was still hugging her and I wondered what he was talking about. He better not be referring to who I think he's referring to.

''Louis, what are you talking about?'' Elizabeth asked him in concern.

''Harry is here too,'' he rushed out which confirmed my suspicions. He pulled away from Elizabeth to gauge her reaction and she just seemed shocked by the words. I wasn't too shocked, because I had expected him to try something like this.

I'm sure I looked completely furious at that moment, ''that curly haired mother f-,''

Elizabeth interrupted me before I could add the last curse, ''hey!''

''Is here?'' I finished as if she hadn't interrupted.

''Yes,'' Louis confirmed shyly.

''In Paris?'' I tried to clarify. He nodded. Well, this isn't how I expected my first encounter face-to-face with Louis would be. ''Where is he? I swear, I am going to beat him to death with a spoon and then shove it up a place where spoons shouldn't go.''

''He's in this hotel,'' he answered and I could feel my face heat up with anger. What a coincidence. Just like it would be such a coincidence when they find him dead in his hotel room with a spoon where I said it would be...

''I need a spoon.''

''Where in the hotel is he?'' Elizabeth wondered and I could already tell that she secretly wanted to go and talk to him. That was not going to happen if I could help it. I was already searching the make shift kitchen in his hotel room and once I found a spoon I sneaked out of the door to find wherever that curly haired demon was. No sooner was I out the door that two strong arms wrapped around my torso.

''Let go of me,'' I struggled to demand as he carried me back towards his hotel room, ''Just let me kill him.''

''No, if you go over there than he'll know that you and Elizabeth are here.''

Not if I kill him first, I thought, but dang was Louis strong. I fought as hard as I could, I even hit him with the spoon a few times, but I still couldn't get him to let go of me. ''He hurt my friend, I need to hurt him,'' I tried but I could tell he still wasn't going to let me.

''Do you want his tainted blood on your shirt?'' he brought up and I made a face at him before I stopped my struggling.

''Ew, no,'' I said with my nose scrunched at the thought. He closed the door after putting me down and I proceeded with, ''but I'd be willing to do it if it meant I could hurt him.'' He only glared at me and I sighed in relief, ''fine, I wont kill him...yet.''

But mark my words, I would find a way to make him pay for what he did to my best friend.


Louis insisted that we stay with him in his hotel room that night since it had gotten really dark and he didn't want us to go back out there without someone with us. After a whole session of hiding in a closet with Elizabeth when Harry came to Louis' door to ask for shampoo, she told us that she was ready to go to bed. I could tell that she probably wasn't going to do much sleeping because, when she was as nervous as she was then, she didn't do anything besides think. I was going to join her to make sure she didn't think too much about it, but Louis grabbed my hand before I could leave him on his make shift bed.

''I seriously had no idea that he was going to come here until he was on the plane with me,'' Louis swore, ''I would've warned you two but he was literally around me the whole time and I couldn't call or text you without him knowing.''

''It's okay, Louis,'' I assured him, ''it just caught us of guard.''

he sighed heavily and nodded, ''I know.'' It was silent for a moment, my hand still in his as we both tried to find the right words to say. ''Can you stay up with me for a bit?''

''Sure,'' I shrugged before sitting down on the bed again.

''Have you decided in what you're going to do about college?'' he wondered. I froze when he brought it up because it reminded me about why I couldn't. All the feelings I had collected for him over all this time weren't going away and him being here wasn't really helping.

''Um, I don't know if I'll be able to stay with you...'' I started nervously, ''my family might miss me too much and I was looking into the colleges back home a bit more and they seem like they have a lot of advantages. One of them has really inexpensive dorms and the food is free on campus so I wouldn't have to ask too much from my family. I could even get a job easily since there's a pace looking to hire and the guy knows me.''

''Oh,'' Louis sighed when I was done babbling and he looked a bit hurt when I told him but I tried to ignore it. There was no way I could stay at his flat and not make a complete idiot of myself with my emotions. It would get awkward and the best thing to do is try and ignore them until they went away.

It would work because it had to.


Whoa, so that was exciting. What did you guys think? Next chapter (which is a fairly big chapter if I do say so myself) might be up later today if I'm able to update again. So, see you soon hopefully!



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