Chapter 9

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***Louis' P.O.V.***

''We have a problem.''

Those were the first words Carson said when I excepted her Skype call a day after I told her I was coming to see them in France. Her face was devoid of any joking and it caught me off guard a bit.  ''Well, hello to you too,'' I joked after I regained my composure.

''This is serious, Lou,'' she told me and I waited for her to tell me what was wrong, ''Elizabeth still loves Harry.''

''What?!'' I exclaimed in surprise. Frankly, everyone who knew what he had done (which wasn't a lot of people) hated him for it. I hated him for it.

''Yeah, I know,'' she nodded in understanding to my reaction before continuing, ''Alex and I were trying to distract her from everything by using other guys. It didnt work out so well and when I asked her why she seemed so distant she admitted that she was thinking about Harry.''

''Did she actually admit that she still loves him?'' I pressed on and she nodded glumly.

''When I asked her why she didn't seem to like any of the guys there she said they were great but... 'they're not Harry.' Then, she told me that she didnt understand why she still loved him but she did,'' she explained and i thought about it for a moment.

''What did you tell her?''

''I told her that she still loved him because she was too nice of a person,'' she told me before sighing heavily. ''Does Harry still love her?''

''He says he does,'' I admitted, ''but you don't do what he did to someone that you care about.''

''Agreed, which is why they cant get back together,'' Carson stated. I was a bit surprised by her forwardness with it, but it was true. God only knows what Harry might do if they were to get back together. ''I don't trust him, and I don't think that he's good for Elizabeth anymore; not after what he did.''

''I agree, but Harry has his heart set on finding her again and talking to her.''

''No, no, no,'' she mumbled to herself at first, ''if he talks to her than she'll cave in; I know her, she's too forgiving for her own good.''

''There's no way I'm going to be able to stop him, Carson, once Harry is set on getting something,'' i sighed before adding the last part, ''he wont stop until he's got it.''

''Just try to talk him out of trying to contact her face-to-face, okay?'' she proposed.

''This feels a bit wrong, Carson; interfering in their relationship like this. I don't like Harry right now, maybe I'll never completely like him, but if they find each other again we cant dictate them.'' She gve a defeated sigh and i knew that she knew that I was right about this. I didnt like it at all, but in this case I was.

''I know, I just dont want her to have to go through that again, Louis,'' she confessed.

''Neither do I,'' I sighed with a shake of my head, ''neither do I.''

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