Chapter 27

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***Louis’ P.O.V.***

“You know, now that we’re back in the UK and you and Elizabeth have the wedding date settled and all, you’re going to have to get ready for your stag party,” the words were muttered by Niall who was plopping down on Harry’s couch after he had made room to sit by pushing Harry’s long legs out of the way. He clutched a beer in both of his hands and handed one to Liam who was sitting beside the couch on the recliner.

“Huh, I never thought about that,” he sighed while seeming to ponder the words. We’d finished the tour, and that meant that we were giving ourselves time to relax. Except, Harry hadn’t really been relaxing a lot due to all of the wedding preparations. With the wedding being only two months away, he was stressing out a lot. He’d called us over that day to see if we would be able to take his mind off of things or at least talk everything out and help him to laugh it off.

“Really? It’s like your last moment of freedom to do anything that you want before you’re a married man,” Zayn pointed out which only earned a shrug from Harry as his immediate response. Zayn, who was the only single one besides myself, still seemed to have that ‘ball and chain’ attitude ever since things went south with Perrie. However, it was anything but that when you were going into it with the right person. With Carson, it would’ve been anything but a ball and chain situation.

“It’s not like Elizabeth ties me down, Zayn,” Harry protested while waving around his bottle of water when he tried to gesture, “If anything, she’s like my wings.” For a moment, we all stared at him until we were all laughing our heads off and he was crossing his arms with a pout. He was like a ten year old whenever we laughed at him. However, he knew that we weren’t being malicious or anything. I understood what he meant, too, so I couldn’t possibly make fun of him for it.

“But seriously, are you going to plan your own stag party?” Niall persisted. He seemed to be keen on the idea of a party and I could tell why. Ever since things had been picking up in our lives we hadn’t really had time to go out and party as much as we used to. In fact, we stopped partying so much after everything went wrong between Harry and Elizabeth. That was about two years ago and it was crazy to think that we’d barely stepped foot into any bars or clubs since then. Yeah, Liam tended to go to the Funky Buddha and all that, but we hadn’t really hung out at a party together in a while.

“No way,” Liam interjected passionately while shaking his head, “he cannot plan his own stage party.”

“Why not?” Harry spoke up with a raised eyebrow peeking out in confusion.

“Because you’re the groom,” I answered, “the point of a stag party is to get your mind off of the wedding and to help you to have a good time. If you have to plan the party along with planning the wedding then it’s just going to make you even more stressed. Sit back and let us deal with it.”

Harry let himself slouch into the couch, and he gave us all a look of contemplation before he nodded. “Okay, but give me a heads up about when it will be and all that,” he agreed. He pulled his phone out from his sweatpants’ pocket and looked at the screen when he turned it on before seeming to remember something. “But no strippers, you guys,” he commanded, and there was a collective groan from the rest of the boys. Honestly, I would be fine if there were no strippers. I’d lost any interest in almost all females that weren’t Carson when we were dating, and that hadn’t seemed to change. I’m sure that Harry was the same way with Elizabeth. The only difference was that he still had Elizabeth with him, and I had lost Carson, but I still couldn’t seem to let go of her. I still had this idea in my head that she was going to come back and things would go back to how they were before. Well, I could dream.

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