Chapter 19

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***Louis’ P.O.V.***

Our time with Carson’s family was more than fun, but it ended soon due to the fact that I was going on tour soon. I was having a good time there, so I was a bit bummed out. Her family was so kind-they had always been kind over the phone, but seeing them was an all-new experience. Her mother treated me as if I was an older version of Timothy, and that was refreshing because I wanted for her to be able to consider me like a son. Timothy spent a lot of time with Carson, but I gained his approval so I was happy with that. Edgar was probably the one that I was the most concerned about; I was right when I assumed he was hesitant about me due to the fact that I was ‘taking away his little girl’. After I had that little talk with him, I think that he respected me a lot more, and I respected him as well.

I loved Carson, and now that I had seen her around the most important people in her life I loved her even more (if that was even possible). She was just so amazing, and I knew that I wanted one thing more than ever now. Seeing her in her natural surroundings was just something that made me that much more sure about my decision. I was going to ask Carson to marry me.

I had everything planned out, and I had even told Harry about it because I needed to tell someone. He called me a copycat because he had been planning to propose to Elizabeth during our first break in the tour. I assured him that he could still do it, but I was proposing tonight and there was nothing that was going to change that. Maybe I had reconsidered it; who wouldn’t reconsider it when the person you love could reject you? However, I always decided in the end that I needed to get my s*** together and just pop the question.

My hands were shaking slightly as I buttoned the last button to my suit and then tied my black tie around my neck. I was beyond nervous for this night, and I wanted everything to be perfect so that it would be special for the both of us. Part of me couldn’t wait to get this over with so that I could see the look on her face when she saw the ring. Then, the other part of me wanted to put this off until the last possible second so that I didn’t have to worry about how I would deal with if she said no. There was a war in my mind, and I couldn’t figure out who was winning.

“You okay in there, Louis?” she called from outside of the door to our bedroom. She entered soon after, giving me a smile that lit up the room. She looked stunning in a red dress that was flowing at the bottom so that she could move about freely. It wasn’t anything too fancy, but it definitely wasn’t something that you would wear to a casual event.

“I’m great,” I smiled back at her and rested my hands on her waist. She allowed me to pull her towards myself, and I pressed a kiss to her nose because I knew that it drove her crazy. Just like I had anticipated, she crinkled her nose at me and sent me one of her famous glares. They weren’t famous for being scary, but rather for being one of the cutest things I had ever seen. Have I mentioned that I love this girl yet?

“So, where are we going tonight?” she asked me once she had gotten over her little glare. She snaked her arms around my neck and leaned closer to me so that we were only a few inches apart, and I was enjoying the close proximity. Her breath washed over my face, and I could smell the mint left behind by her tea and perhaps a brushing. I found myself pressing a kiss to her slightly parted lips just because I could.

“Well, I leave the day after tomorrow, and I thought that we should do something kind of special, so I reserved a table at that restaurant that you said that you really wanted to go to,” I supplied, and the smile that took over her lips was enough to make my heart do weird things that healthy hearts shouldn’t do.

“I’m impressed,” she said and I raised an eyebrow at the simple words.

“By what?” I wondered.

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