Chapter 28

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***Louis’ P.O.V.***

“No, we watched that one yesterday,” Elizabeth protested as she leaned her head back against Harry’s shoulder and kept her gaze on the TV where he was flipping through the different movies on Netflix. He’d already gone through the obvious choices, but either Elizabeth or I had some sort of protest about it. “Oh, wait!” she spoke up again and pointed towards the screen as if we knew what she was supposed to be pointing at, “what about Batman Returns?”

“Why do you always recommend the superhero movies?” Harry groaned while letting his head roll back and onto the arm rest of the couch that we were all on. He was sitting with his legs stretched out on top of the couch, and Elizabeth was cuddled up on top of him. Since the kid was so damn tall, I had to sit on the other end of the couch while his feet were on my lap. They seemed comfortable in their spots, and it gave me an opportunity to pinch Harry’s feet whenever he annoyed me.

“Because I like them,” she replied with the sassy edge to her voice that she had seemed to adopt for the day, “why do you always whine when I recommend them?”

“Because they’re cheesy,” Harry whined, and I pinched the top of his foot. “Louis!” he exclaimed in a sort of frustrated surprise. Quickly, and no doubt without thinking about the consequences, Harry kicked his foot out and ended up making it hit my groin rather roughly.

“Harry!” Elizabeth scolded after hearing my sharp intake of breath. I leaned forward and pushed his feet off of my lap while shooting a glare towards him. Harry was too busy muttering out an apology and trying to appease Elizabeth to notice my glare, but I soon straightened out as I tried to ignore the intense pain. Harry had hit me harder than he probably anticipated; it felt like Chuck Norris had just punched me in the groin more times than I could count.

“Walk it off, Louis,” Harry suggested from his spot, and I promptly flicked him off. There was a scoff from him before he looked over at Elizabeth who was watching with a small smile. Then, he let his eyebrows rise as a prominent frown took over his lips. “What? I get reprimanded for hitting him but he doesn’t get in trouble for flicking me off?” he directed the question towards Elizabeth who looked up at him with a small shake of her head.

“I find his actions completely justifiable,” she replied. Harry’s look of surprise and betrayal only intensified, and I couldn’t help but to smirk through the pain. Yeah, Elizabeth takes my side on a lot of things because she loves me more: suck it Harry. 

“He pinched me!” Harry protested. Elizabeth still didn’t look convinced, and she rolled her eyes at him playfully. Dropping the remote to the TV, he placed his now free hand over his face while pretending to sob into it. The look on his face was one of faux dejection, and his jutted lip only added on to his purposely pathetic appearance. “I thought you loved me, Elizabeth,” Harry cried out, and the look on her face was one of absolute smugness. With the smile never leaving her lips, she turned her head so that she could kiss his cheek. Harry, whose pretty much gigantic hand covered most of his face, let his fingers splay apart so that he could pause his fake crying to peek at Elizabeth. Satisfied with the reaction she had gained, Elizabeth pressed another kiss to his cheek, and Harry surprised her by wrapping both his arms around her and making exaggerated kissing noises. I swear, their relationship could basically be summed up by their actions in the past few minutes.

I cleared my throat, and the kissing noises abruptly stopped along with Elizabeth’s wild giggles. Both of them peeked over at me, and their wide smiles fell. They must have thought about the whole ‘acting like a lovely and happy couple around the single and heartbroken guy’ thing, because they straightened out and regarded me with a questioning gaze. “Well, as much as I would love to stay out here and listen to you both argue about superhero movies, I think I’m going to head off to my room,” I told them.

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