Chapter 38

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***Louis’ P.O.V.***

There are few things better than a good night’s sleep after a night filled with crying. The headache from the night before ebbs away in your sleep, and you wake up feeling better than ever. So, as my eyes opened and stared up at the ceiling, I couldn’t help but to smile at the refreshing feeling. However, my happy thoughts were soon clouded with something else. I dreaded the part of the morning that required turning over, because I was afraid of what I would find. Yes, Carson and I had talked everything over the night before; there had been lots of crying, kissing, and talking before we had both decided that enough was enough and we had to get our sleep. She had stayed the night, but there was nothing stopping her from leaving again if she so pleased.

Slowly, I turned my gaze away from the ceiling, and I looked next to me. The feeling that washed over me when I saw the familiar blonde hair splayed across the other pillow was a thousand times better than that of a good night’s sleep. I had missed the feeling of having her beside me in bed (even if she always hogged the blankets) and damn it felt amazing to have her back. All I had to do was reach over and she was there.

Shifting in the plush bed, I leaned over to press a soft kiss to the top of her head as she continued to sleep. She stirred slightly; one of her hands rose to rub at one of her eyes even though she didn’t wake up afterwards. With a smile brimming my lips, I pushed the duvet off of me so that I could get out of the bed. I had to pull up my pajama pants a little when I was standing, and I held onto them for reassurance as I made my way to the door of the hotel room.

I yawned as I pulled the door to the room open, and I was about to take off the ‘Do Not Disturb sign off of the door handle, but the sound of a door opening from across the hallway caught my attention. I looked up to see which door it was, and my eyes widened when Navaeh stepped out to do the same thing that I was doing. She was donning a very familiar button up, and from the way that her hair and makeup were a mess, it didn’t take me long to put the pieces together.

After shaking my head to clear my thoughts and force myself not to focus on the sight, I plucked the sign from the door handle and closed the door. Just as the click of the door sounded throughout the room, I heard a small groan from the bed. With a fond little smile stretching over my lips, I leaned up against the wall as I looked over at the bed where Carson was waking up. She pushed her hands away from the covers while she stretched, and a few more groans left her lips in protest to waking up.

Her arms stretched out lazily and reached around the bed like a child reaching for its mother. Eventually, she stopped her blind search of the bed and slowly sat up while rubbing at her eyes. “Louis?” she called out with a frown thinning out her lips.

“Right here, love,” I answered, and I pushed off of the wall so that I could walk over to where she sat on the bed. She dropped her hands from her eyes and watched me sit down on the side of the bed. Her frown had disappeared by then; a large smile was stretching her lips now, and it was a great sight after the tears of yesterday. Immediately, she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around my neck so that she could pull me into a hug that I gladly returned.

“I love you,” she whispered to me.

After pressing a quick kiss to her cheek, I returned the words and brought her even closer. We stayed like that for a while; it was easy to get lost in the warmth of her hugs, and I had been deprived of the feeling for much longer than I would’ve liked. Every small touch was making my previously broken heart pick up the pieces again. Soon, all of the pieces would be back together again, and-with her-I would be whole again.

When we finally pulled away from the hug, I kept one of her hand trapped in both of mine and I looked into her eyes. They were the dark blue that I had missed dearly; that shade that reminded me of the ocean after a storm or maybe the sky right as night was trying to take over. They were beautiful, and I was letting myself get lost in them after they had been gone for so long. It was the small things like that that I had missed so much when she had left. You could see the details in pictures and videos, but it wasn’t the same as seeing them when you’re forgetting about time and talking with that person.

“I’m going back to the flat today,” I told her once I could find the words, “and you know that you don’t have to come back if you’re not ready, but you’re welcome to come back whenever you want to.” The words slipped past my lips nervously; I was seriously hoping that she would come back. It would be almost as if things were back to normal again if she did, but I knew that I shouldn’t push her to do anything she didn’t feel comfortable with.

Carson just smiled at my nervousness, and she took my face in both her hands before closing her eyes and pressing her lips to mine. With a smile gathering up my own features, I returned the kiss and leaned my head to the side. It was wonderful to be able to kiss her again; I could do it for the rest of my life, honestly, and I don’t think I would ever get tired of it. As much as I hated to, I pulled away from her and waited expectantly for what she would say in regards to coming to the flat with me.

“I can’t come back today,” she told me with the smallest of frowns taking over, “I have a nonrefundable ticket back to Paris and all of my things are back at Alex’s apartment. Could you wait a few days and I’ll be back?” The was a small little look in her eyes that I had little trouble reading; I could tell that she was afraid that I would take this as her leaving once again. I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t afraid that she wouldn’t come back, but I knew that I had to trust her with this. Plus, if she didn’t come back than I would have to deal with it; it was her choice, and I couldn’t stop her if it was what she wanted.

“I think I can handle that,” I nodded, and I pressed my lips to hers once again and very quickly before pulling away and resting my forehead against hers. It was a wonderful life, and I was incredibly lucky.


I had made sure that every picture that I had turned over was back to its original place. Since I had been gone for months, and then because I was too lazy to really clean anything, I had quite a lot of cleaning to do. The dresser that had held Carson’s clothes was still empty, so I didn’t have to worry about that. In the end, it only took me a few days to clean, and I was fixing the last thing in the living room when the doorbell rang and I rushed to answer it.

I pulled the door open with a nervous grin already on my features, and Carson was revealed. She had a suitcase clutched in one of her hands and a toothy smile on her face when she saw me. After bouncing in her spot a few times, she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around my torso tightly. I draped my arms over her shoulders and rested my chin on top of her head gently while letting out a content sigh. She was back. 

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