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Name- Lauren Anna Black (Her real last name is a secret)

Gender- Female

Age- Will vary from part to part

Appearance- She has short, ruler-straight, dirty blonde hair and eyes like blue lightning. She never goes anywhere without three essential things. Her brown leather jacket, a dagger, and a silver locket with a picture of her mother inside.

Family- Her mother's death is a strange one that no one knows the details of. Lauren, however, witnessed her mom's death but since she was only three months old, everyone thinks she doesn't remember but she does so she can also see Thestrals. Her father's identity is a secret only known by Sirius, Remus, Lauren, Dumbledore, and, unfortunately, Snape. Lauren however doesn't care about her father, in fact it is her life's goal to kill him.  

Other- She is a big fan of animals, especially hippogriffs which was her mother's favorite animal. Lauren is a Gryffindor.

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