I'm here to see Harry (Age 13)

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It was late summer on Privet Drive. Harry was upstairs in his room at the Dursley's, writing letters. Unbeknownst to him was the fact that Lauren and Sirius were hiding in the bushes outside the house. 

"I still think we should just break him out,"Lauren said. 

"No," Sirius responded. "We should at least try to do this quietly. I'll ring the bell and if it doesn't work, then we'll break him out." 

"Alright," Lauren grumbled. Sirius stood up and walked to the door, where he rang the bell. A fat man opened it. Lauren remembered him from the time she beat him up in King's Cross station; It was Vernon Dursley. 

"Yes?" Vernon asked. 

"Is Harry home?"Sirius asked politely. Mr. Dursley's eyes widened slightly. 

"I'm sorry, you must be mistaken, there's no Harry here." he said coldly and slammed the door in Sirius's face. Sirius turned away from the door. 

"Okay," he said, nodding. "Let's break him out," Lauren stood up. 

"Wait," she offered. "Let me try," Sirius hesitated, then nodded. 

"Alright," he agreed, hiding from view of the doorway. Lauren put on a sweet, innocent look and rang the bell. Again, Vernon Dursley answered the door. 

"Is this number 4 Privet Drive?"she asked sweetly. 

"Yes," Mr. Dursley replied.

"And are you Vernon Dursley?" she continued. 


"Ah, and is Harry home? I'm here to see him."

 "There's no Harry here." Vernon declared, closing the door. Lauren put out a hand and stopped him. 

"But, you must be mistaken, sir. This is number 4 Privet Drive, and I know for a fact that Harry Potter lives here and I would like to see him. We're friends, you see," she stated, her sweetly voice cool and unwavering. 

"There is no Harry Potter here." Vernon said firmly, and he started to shut the door again as Dudley came into the hall. Suddenly, a wicked-looking dagger was slammed into the door. 

"Let's try this again." Lauren ordered, her hand still on the knife. Gone was her sweet face and appearance. Now she looked dangerous. She yanked the knife out of the door and walked into the house. Vernon and Dudley, wide-eyed, slowly backed up as she spoke. "I'm here to see Harry, so if you could point me in his direction, it would be tremendously helpful." Dudley and Vernon pointed upstairs. "Thank you," she said sweetly, starting up the stairs. "Oh, Dudley," she added with a smirk on her face. "How's your tail?" Dudley let out a small yelp and bolted into the kitchen. Lauren stopped at Harry's door, knocked, and barged in. Harry sighed, and turned around, expecting to see Vernon or Dudley, bound to scream at him. But instead, he saw a spunky, reckless girl with a brown leather jacket and a dagger, her lightning eyes blazing. 

"Lauren!" he cried. "What are you doing here?" She smiled at him. 

"Rescuing you, of course. Now move and pack." Seeing as she was holding a knife and Harry knew from experience that she wasn't afraid to use it, he did as he was told. Lauren, meanwhile, opened the window, leaned out and whistled. Harry turned around to see Sirius outside his window. 

"Sirius," he whispered. "How are you-" he crossed the room and looked out the window to see Sirius standing on a floating motorcycle. Harry's eyes widened. 

"Hi, Harry. You packed?" Sirius asked. He nodded. "Good," Sirius replied and he dropped out of sight. Harry turned back into the room and noticed his trunk was missing. 

"I shrunk it," Lauren explained before he could ask. "It's in my pocket, now grab Hedwig, kiss this place goodbye and let's go!" With that, she climbed out the window and dropped down. The flying motorcycle appeared at his window, Sirius in the driver's seat with Lauren behind him. Harry grabbed Hedwig's cage and climbed into the sidecar. "Not the first type of flying transportation you've been on, I recon?" Lauren said. He laughed and they flew off to Sirius's house.

Lauren A. Black (my Harry Potter oc)Where stories live. Discover now