The Yule Ball Part 2 (Age 12)

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It was the night of the Yule Ball. Marian and Lauren were getting ready. Marian spun on the spot in her green dress, the one that made her eyes glitter like emeralds. But the other girls in the room ignored her, because of Lauren. Her dress was turquoise and it made her blue lightning eyes almost blinding. They sparkled and the other girls were secretly jealous. 

"How did you get a dress anyway?" Marian asked her. "I thought you said you didn't own one," 

"I didn't," Lauren replied. "I wrote Tonks about the Ball after swearing her to secrecy and she sent me this." she added, twirling around. 

"And you're sure she won't tell Remus or Sirius?"Ginny asked. 

"Yes," Lauren said firmly. 

"What would they do if they found out?" Marian questioned. Lauren froze. She could think of a hundred ways that Sirius would storm into the castle and brutally murder Colin. And there were another thousand of worse things he could do swimming in her head. 

"Um," Ginny began, "Let's just say it wouldn't end well...." she finished. Lauren nodded vigorously. 

"You guys ready?" Marian asked. They nodded and the three of them walked down the stairs to the Gryffindor common room. 

"You go on ahead," Lauren said. "I'll wait for Hermione." Marian and Ginny nodded and they headed towards the Great Hall. A few minutes later, Hermione came down the stairs. Lauren bit back a gasp when she saw her. She was beautiful. But what Lauren didn't know was that Hermione had the same reaction when she saw Lauren. 

The two girls gaped and stared at each other before walking to the Great Hall. The boys are going to flip, Hermione thought, looking at Lauren. Gone was her usual tom-boyish look. Lauren had transformed completely. Her short hair was clean and held back with a butterfly clip and she sparkled like a blue diamond. Her dress was silky and it had sparkles on the front with a blue sash at her waist. the bottom half was a smooth, silk material that made it look as though she was gliding instead of walking. It was amazing how different they could make themselves look. But if they were in awe of each other, Lauren thought, then she couldn't wait to see the boys reaction.

Harry and Ron stood at the entrance to the Ball, watching the stairs for both their dates and the girls. Harry glanced at the stairs as he heard footsteps, and his eyes almost popped out of his head as his mouth drifted open. 

"What is i-"Ron's voice died in his mouth as he saw Lauren and Hermione walk down the stairs. But while Harry was staring at Lauren and contemplating how fast he could get Sirius and Remus here so that the three of them could kill Lauren's date, Ron's attention was on Hermione. She's beautiful, he thought as a Durmstrang boy took her arm, how have I not noticed that before? As Hermione walked off Ron turned his attention to Lauren. 

"Stunning, isn't she?"she said to them. The boys nodded, unable to speak. 

"Lauren!" a voice called, and the boys whirled around, their big-brother instincts kicking in, but they only saw Colin Creevey. Lauren shoved her way through the boys and took Colin's arm. She gave them a small wave, made the zip it- lock it-throw it away motion with her free hand, and then finally drew a finger across her throat. The boys got the message. Bye, Tell Sirius and die. They didn't worry. Death threats were normal when it came to Lauren.

Hours Later....

Lauren plunked down in a chair, breathless from dancing. Harry, Ron, and Padma Patil sat across from her, all of them looking miserable. Lauren fought back a laugh. For her, the Ball had been wonderful. She'd danced with Colin the whole time and burst out laughing at Harry's failed attempt at dancing. Now, they'd decided to take a break and Colin sat down in the chair next to her, and smiled at her. Hermione sank into the chair on her other side, a wide grin on her face. Lauren couldn't blame her. She was at the Ball with Victor Krum, after all. Most girls would've killed to go to the Ball with him, but not Lauren. So he was a good Quidditch player; so what? Lauren was sure that if it came down to a real, fist-to fist fight, she could take him down. 

"Victor's just gone to get drinks," Hermione said happily. "Would you care to join us?" Lauren saw Ron open his mouth and knew this wouldn't end well, so she jumped in before Ron could ruin everything. 

"Colin and I would be happy to join you,"Lauren said. "Right, Colin?" She gave him a pleading look. 

"Of course," Colin agreed with a smile. 

"Good,"Hermione replied.

After the Ball...

Lauren dropped on to her bed with a sigh, convinced that this had been one of the best nights of her life. Especially when the Ball had ended, and before they headed back to the common room, Colin had pulled her off to the side and kissed her. It was Lauren's first kiss. And she was positive to make sure Sirius NEVER found out. But Lauren didn't worry about that. She just laid on her bed, still in her dress and let the feeling on the Ball wash over her. 

Lauren A. Black (my Harry Potter oc)Where stories live. Discover now