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Ah! I got tagged a while ago but I didn't know what it meant. But I think I just list some random things about myself and then tag some other people. Correct me in the comments if I'm wrong!


1. My name is Sam

2. I am a girl

3. I am 13

4. My 4 favorite book series of all time are (in order) Wing Of Fire, Harry Potter, Divergent, and House Of Secrets

5. I have a dog who has eaten an electric toothbrush and survived

6. I have cousins that used to live in Australia

7. My friend and I give people Dragon names (mine is Starflight although I am not that wimpy)

8. I am in 8th grade

9. Besides Wattpad, I have no social media and I have a flip phone that doesn't even have internet

10. If I ever have a son I plan to name him Tobias Deathbringer :)

Now I Tag my friend SmallButDeadlySunny and some of my favorite Wattpad writers, 

@RainThePrincess  @IvyServine @GlorybringerAnyone @Glorybringer100 @Sunflightforever  

Lauren A. Black (my Harry Potter oc)Where stories live. Discover now