Meeting Harry Potter (Age 11)

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6 years ago...

Harry hit the ground with a thud. He heard the laughter coming from Dudley and his friends as they ran away after shoving him to the ground. Harry picked up his glasses and put them on as he got up off the ground. 

He surveyed the playground and noticed that no one was there. He turned and saw a girl on the top of the monkey bars. 

That's strange, he thought, there wasn't anyone there a second ago. The girl stared at him, like he was under some kind of inspection. Harry noticed that she had very strange eyes. They were bright blue, like lightning. He walked toward her and noticed that the whole time, she hadn't blinked, just observed him. 

"Hello," he said cautiously. She tilted her head at him and responded.

"Don't worry about him, it's just a few more years. And then you'll be free from them forever." She looked away from him and stared out into the distance. Harry frowned. 

"What?" he asked. She didn't answer. Harry turned to see what she was looking at, but saw nothing. "What are you look-" he asked as he turned around. But there was no one to ask. The girl had vanished without a sound, without a trace.

6 years later...

Harry stepped cautiously into the Knight bus. He surveyed the space and walked in. There were five roll-away beds lining the floor. Four of them were empty, but the last on had someone on it. 

Someone who was wearing a leather jacket and holding a copy of the Daily Prophet, but she wasn't reading it. Instead, she was peering over the top of the newspaper, looking at him with lightning blue eyes. Harry stopped when he saw her eyes. There was something extremely familiar about her, but he didn't know what. He walked over to her and sat on the bed across from her. She didn't look away as he stared at her; she didn't even blink. 

"Hi," Harry said curiously. She lowered the newspaper slightly, so that he could see her whole face. 

"Hello," she replied. 

"You look oddly familiar," Harry said quizzically. "Have we met somewhere before?" The girl smirked at him. 

"Perhaps you have seen me before," she said vaguely, turning a page in the newspaper "As I have seen you, but no, we have not been formally introduced." Harry blinked, trying to figure out where he had seen her before. 

"What's your name?" 

"Well, now that depends," she offered. "What's yours?" Harry paused. He didn't know this girl and he certainly didn't trust her. But what other name could he use? 

"Neville," he replied, lying through his teeth." Neville Longbottom." The girl looked up from the paper and gave him a look that clearly read: Really? That's the best you can do? 

"Then I am Victoria," she said. "Victoria Smithly." Harry looked at her 

"Really," he questioned. She looked back down at the paper. 

"The name I have given you is as real as the one you have given me," she explained. She paused, and looked at him smugly. She leaned towards him and whispered. "And we both know that is not your real name, Mr. Harry James Potter of number 4 Privet drive, Little Whinging, Gryffindor third-year at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Harry stared at her, gaping. 

"Who are you?" he asked. She smiled at him as the Knight bus slowed to a stop. 

"That is for me to know, and you to find out," she said vaguely. "This is my stop," she added, standing up and folding the newspaper. "But don't worry, Neville," she said with a wink "I have a feeling we will be seeing each other again very soon." 

And with that, she left, leaving Harry more confused then he had been in his whole life.

Lauren A. Black (my Harry Potter oc)Where stories live. Discover now