Weddings Part 2 (age 21)

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A/N: Sorry! I am horrible at writing wedding scenes...

The Best Man Speeches....

Harry's Wedding - Ron's speech

Ron was standing at the front of the wedding, a glass of champagne in his hand. It was time for his best man speech, and the part of the night he had looked forward to most of all. 

"Now," Ron began. "For the greatest Best Man speech of all time. I have know Ginny for her entire life, and I have known Harry since we were 11 years old. And in that time, something always confused me when it came to Harry James Potter. I could never understand why girls liked him. Sure, he was rich, famous, The Chosen One, but in reality, Harry, you are a complete idiot." The crowd laughed as Ron continued. "For years, I never could understand what the hell my sister saw in you. But then, one day, it dawned on me. The reason my sister loves Harry Potter, is because," At this point, Ron grinned and began to sing. "He's got eyes as green as a fresh-pickled toad," Harry choked on his drink. Ginny turned a shade of red that rivaled her hair color. 

"No," she warned Ron, but he didn't listen. Lauren burst out laughing so hard she fell on the floor. She knew what was coming. 

"Hair as dark as a blackboard," Ron sang, and Harry softly joined in. 

"NO." Ginny said sternly, her voice rising. The rest of the Weasley boys joined in as they sang. 

"He's oh so divine, how I wish he were mine! The hero who conquered  the Dark Lord!" Ginny muttered something under her breath and Ron fell frozen to the floor. Lauren was still laughing on the floor and Harry joined her as Ginny sat there fuming. 

Ron's Wedding...

Harry stood nervously in front of the wedding. Time for a speech. 

"I have heard a rumor." he began. "And this rumor states that friends don't let friends marry a red-head....Well, if that's true, then Hermione, we both failed." The crowd laughed. "But, seeing as I'm horrible at speeches, I'll keep this short. Hermione, you are beautiful as always, and today you are one lucky gal. Ron, you are the greatest friend anyone could ask for. I mean, come on, how many people can you think of that would be perfectly okay with going on the run from a powerful dark wizard, breaking into Gringotts bank, and letting you marry their only sister?"

2 Years later....

It had been years since the Battle of Hogwarts. Lauren was twenty three years old and she couldn't have been happier. She was working with dragons - including Nalamar, her faithful pet. Hogwarts had been repaired and they had all graduated. Remus was back at the Defense Against The Dark Arts job, and Neville had become the new Herbology Professor after Professor Sprout's retirement. And, to Lauren and Colin's surprise, Marian had become the new Transfiguration professor, seeing as Mcgonagall was the new Headmistress. Neville and Luna had gotten married and were expecting a child. And - much to Ron's dismay - so was Ginny and Harry. Percy and George Weasley had also tied the knot. Bill and Fleur had a little girl named Victorie and were also expecting another child soon. Lauren and Colin's relationship had also grown more steady in the past couple years and little did Lauren know what was in store for her tonight. 

Colin ran through the woods, Lauren at his heels, laughing. He was both excited and nervous for what he had planned tonight. He just hoped it would work. 

"Here we are!" he said finally, stopping at a clearing. Lauren stopped next to him and gasped. In front of them was a hippogriff. 

"Where did you get a hippogriff?" she asked urgently. He smiled.

 "Remember how I asked you to the Yule Ball?" he questioned.  She nodded. "Same one, just back to his normal size. Want to go for a fly?" he continued. Lauren didn't even hesitate. 

"Yes!" she practically yelled, climbing on the creature. Colin got on behind her and the hippogriff took to the sky. 

They flew for nearly an hour before the creature landed where Colin wanted him to. They were on the edge of a river, and a faint light could be seen through the trees. 

"What's that?" Lauren wondered out loud, looking at the direction of the lights. Colin bit back a grin. 

"I don't know. Let's go check it out." he said, faking curiosity. Lauren walked towards the light until she reached a clearing, where she saw the source of the light. It was candles. Dozens of candles in small lanterns that shielded them from the wind were hanging from the trees. As she stared, Lauren noticed that they spelt something. Her eyes widened as she realized what the candles said. Lauren, they read. Will you marry me? Lauren whipped around and saw Colin on one knee, a shy smile on his face and a ring in his hand. Lauren's jaw dropped and, for the first time in her life, she was speechless. But not for long. 

"YES!" she shouted, nearly tackling Colin to the ground as she lunged toward him and kissed him. A grin spread on his face as they kissed. He didn't even think about how Sirius was going to react. 

A/N: 1.9K reads!!!!! That's almost 2K!!!!! I wanted to post this yesterday in honor of the Battle of Hogwarts, but I didn't get the chance. So, if you didn't do it yesterday, please raise your wand in memory of the Battle and in honor of Remus Lupin, Tonks, Colin Creevey, Fred Weasley, Lavender Brown, and Severus Snape. And for actors Alan Rickman and John Hurt too. 

Speaking of Colin's death, I am siriusly dreading having to write that in the Alternate Endings that I'll write after I finish the story. It will be as depressing as the books I have to read in Language Arts. But, next time you'll see Sirius's reaction to the ring on Lauren's hand and the Lauralin (Lauren X Colin ship name) Wedding! Yes, I gave them a ship name. 

Lauren A. Black (my Harry Potter oc)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin