The Cottage(age 15)

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Harry, Ron, Lauren, Hermione, and Dobby hit the ground with a thud. With wide eyes, they stood up. Lauren noted that they were on a small hill with a familiar cottage at the bottom. A cottage she hadn't seen in years. 

"The Order's safe house."she thought out loud. Ron turned to respond and froze. A sound halfway between a gasp and a cough forced its way out of his throat. Hermione and Harry looked and stared at Lauren with wide eyes. 

"Oh,"Dobby said in surprise. Lauren narrowed her eyes as they stared at her. 

"What?"she demanded. 

"uh....Lauren?"Ron said slowly. "You've got a...." he trailed off. 

"There's a knife in your shoulder." Hermione explained. Sure enough, when Lauren looked down, there was a knife handle sticking out of her shoulder. And she hadn't felt a thing. 

"Huh, well would you look at that,"she said in surprise. The stares intensified as she yanked the blade out to examine it. "Bellatrix Lestrange's knife. Meh, mine's better."she declared before throwing the knife towards the ocean. 

"Did - Did you just...." Hermione mumbled. 

"You're bleeding."Harry observed. 

"How are you not screaming in pain right now?"Ron said, his voice a mixture of concern and disbelief. Lauren shrugged. 

"I don't really feel pain anymore. Get hit with the cruciatis curse a few times and you'll understand."she explained. "And thank you Harry for that profound observation. Pulling a knife out of your shoulder tens to lead to blood."she added sarcastically. 

"But...shouldn't we do something about that?"he asked. 

"I've got it covered."she assured him, reaching into her pocket. She pulled out a vial with a clear liquid and placed a drop on the wound, healing it instantly. 

"What is that?" Hermione questioned.

 "Phoenix tears. Perks of having Fawkes as a pet."she replied.

The four were bombarded instantly upon entering the cottage.Bill yelled a little but mostly just crushed them in giant bear hugs. Fleur, on the other hand, exclaimed over all of them, occasionally shouting things in french. 

"ou etiez-vous?!"she practically screamed at them. "Savez-vous a quel point nous avons ete inquiets?! Je pourrais vous etouffer!"she yelled. Lauren sighed. 

"S'il vous plait ne pas. Nous avons fait des choses importantes, je promets."she insisted. The others stared at them. 

"What did you say?"Hermione asked. The two blonde girls rolled their eyes. 

"She asked where we've been and if we knew how worried they've been. Then she threatened to choke us. I simply asked her not to and said that we've been doing important things." Lauren explained. Fleur nodded. 

"You know French?"Harry said in disbelief, just catching on. 

"Bien sur je fais la tete de melon!"she yelled at him before turning back to Fleur. "Vous penseriez que c'etait evident"she added, rolling her eyes. Fleur laughed, leaving the others more confused than ever. 

"So, how exactly do you know french?" Ron asked. Lauren raised her eyebrows. 

"It's nearly impossible to grow up with Sirius and not learn perfect french."she declared.

 "That's true."Fleur agreed. 

"Anyways.."Bill began, "You're first."he said pointing at Lauren. He took a deep breath. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED THE ORDER HAS BEEN ABOUT YOU?!!?!?!!"he shouted. "Sirius said you were fine weeks ago and that you would stay in touch but WE HAVEN'T HEARD A WORD! NOT A WORD!"Lauren opened her mouth to protest but Bill went on. "We thought you were dead!!! Or at least, some of us did. Sirius is a wreck and it's your fault! We thought that they'd taken you, that our secrets were exposed to the world. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT FEELS LIKE?"he continued. Fleur grabbed his arm as he calmed down. Lauren stared at the ground. 

"I wanted to write," she insisted softly. "But owls would've given away my location and any message would've been searched. I didn't even have time to write cause I was too busy, RUNNING FOR MY LIFE!"she said, growing angry. "SO EXCUSE ME IF I WAS TOO BUSY TRYING TO STAY ALIVE TO WRITE YOU A TEN PAGED LETTER!!!"she finished, her eyes glowing with fire. 

"Stop."Harry demanded. "We don't have time for this. We have more important things to do." Lauren felt the flame in her eyes calm down and she turned to Harry. 

"tu as raison"she agreed. "You're right."


MERLIN'S BEARD! I got 1k reads!!!! Thank you all!!! You're awesome! 

P.S. (in case you were wondering, Lauren called Harry a melon head in French) And if the translations are wrong, I apologize. I don't speak French and I used google translate.... 

Lauren A. Black (my Harry Potter oc)Where stories live. Discover now