Sirius (Age 13)

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"GIVE HER HELL FROM US, PEEVES!" the Weasley twins shouted as they flew away from Hogwarts. Lauren stood in the courtyard, cheering with the rest of the students. Next to her, Harry fell silent. Lauren turned to him as the grin faded from his face and he sank to the ground. 

"Harry," she whispered. She crouched down next to him as his eyes widened in fear. Lauren could tell that it was Voldemort. He was making Harry see something. Something bad. Finally he spoke. One word. One word that drained the blood from Lauren's face and caused her heart to stop. One word that frightened her, the first thing she'd ever been truly scared of. 

"Sirius." Harry whispered.


"You must be joking." Hermione insisted. She was on the stairs with Ron, Ginny, Luna, Neville, Lauren and Harry. Harry wanted to go rescue Sirius. 

"Joking?" Harry said, "Hermione, he's the only family I've got left." Lauren looked at him. 

"That's not true."she told him. But she could see it in his eyes. He was scared. He loved Sirius and he couldn't lose him. Lauren knew that feeling. But her instincts told her something was wrong about this. And as much as her heart, her brain, every bone in her body, screamed to go save him; she had to trust her instincts. Because they were always right. 

"I think Lauren should have the final say here,"Ron suggested. "She knows Sirius better than any of us." Harry turned to her. 

"You'll help me save him, right?" he asked. Lauren groaned. 

"I don't know what to do,"she pleaded. "My heart says to save him but my instincts say it's a trap; I'm a little at war with myself." Harry stared at her. 

"Well, I'm going to save him." he said confidently. Lauren looked up at him. 

"Alright," she sighed. "I'm in." He glanced at her, a confused look on his face. 

"Why?" he questioned. Lauren looked at him. 

"If you're going to do something, you usually end up in mortal peril, so I'm just coming along to make sure that neither you nor Sirius dies." she stated. 

"Oh," Harry replied. "So, anyone else coming?"

The Department Of Mysteries.....

Harry, Lauren, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny, and Luna tightened their circle. The Death Eaters had surrounded them and Lucius Malfoy was trying to persuade Harry to hand over the prophecy. Then, a familiar laugh came from behind Lucius, and Bellatrix Lestrange appeared. Next to Lauren, Neville stiffened. 

"Bellatrix Lestrange." he said. She laughed. 

"Neville Longbottom, is it? How's mom and dad?"she cackled. 

"Better now that they're about to be avenged."Neville replied, holding up his wand. Lauren shot out a hand and stopped him. 

"Don't," she whispered. Bellatrix's eyes widened and her evil grin grew. 

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my dear cousin's little brat."she said. "I look forward to seeing him cry over your dead corpse." All seven of them turned their wands on Bellatrix. 

"I think you'll find that will be easier said than done." Hermione offered. Bellatrix laughed again. 

"Now!"Harry shouted suddenly, and they yelled "Stupefy!" at the Death Eaters before sprinting down the rows of prophecies. They ran until the Death Eaters caught up. Then Ginny yelled 

"Reducto"and the whole room started to collapse. They sprinted through the door and fell.

They hit the ground with a thud. Harry stood up and saw an archway in the middle of the room, on a platform. Voices were coming from the arch, but he didn't know what they were saying. He looked up and told the others to get behind him. Then, the Death Eaters attacked. They were thrown to the ground and Harry's friends were grabbed, so when he stood up, they all had a Death Eater with a wand pointed at their throats. 

Lauren A. Black (my Harry Potter oc)Where stories live. Discover now