Well. Not everything was, but some thing were. (age will vary)

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Everyone had regret about something. Harry regretted what happened after the war with Lauren. She vanished. Lauren A. Black, war hero, chocolate frog character, his friend, his family - gone. After that battle had ended and the sun had begun to rise, she'd left the castle. Harry had gone after her.

"Go away Harry," she'd told him. Instead, he'd gotten closer and had sat down next to her on the sand near the Black Lake. "I said go away." she refused to look at him, but that was okay. Harry didn't feel like seeing the darkness of her eyes when he remembered them being so full of light, they could blind him. 

"You shouldn't be alone," he replied. "But I'll go." he placed a small box in the sand and left. He wasn't sure what had happened after he'd left, but he thought it had something to do with why she'd disappeared. The small box and it's contents were found on his doorstep a few weeks later. That's how he knew that she was really gone.

Lauren glanced down at the box after he left. Seeing as she had nothing else to do but drown in grief, she opened it. Inside was a small black stone. She picked it up and it was as if the air had changed. There was an eerie blue glow in front of her. Lauren glanced up and dropped the box at the sight of her mother. 

"Mum," she said in utter astonishment. Lauren spun around. There was no one there, no one that could be tricking her. Her mother smiled and shook her head slightly. 

"Oh Laurie," the ghost-like woman said. "You've been through so much." Lauren felt tears prick up in her eyes. She wanted to say something, but there was nothing for her to say. All she could do, was listen. "I am so proud of you," her mother continued, walking towards her. She didn't touch her, but they were close enough to. "You've been so strong for so long. Too long. You've lost so much more than you should have. It's not right. And yet, you're still okay. I'll never not regret not being able to be there for you. I've watched you grow up and yet, I haven't. Oh, my darling girl. I love you so much. You're so brave and strong, so much more confident then I ever was. I know it hurts, the pain of it all. But it will get better, I promise. Just hang in there."

 Tears were falling down Lauren's face, but she didn't bother to wipe them away. 

"Mum," she forced out the words. "I miss you." Her mother looked at her ruefully. 

"I know you do sweetheart, but you're okay. That's what counts." She paused to stare at her again. "I wish that I could stay longer, but I'm afraid that I'm not the only one here to see you." Lauren frowned. 

"What do you mean?" she asked. But before she finished asking, her mother faded away and a new voice greeted her from behind. "

"Hey Buckwings, did ya miss me?" Sirius's clear voice rang out. Lauren whipped around and ran towards her beloved guardian. 

"Sirius," she said, fresh tears brewing in her eyes. 

"I'll keep this short because I know there's more people her for you. You may not have been my biological daughter, but who really cares about all that crap. You're my girl, Lauren. You're my daughter, and nothing is going to change that. Ever. People may think that I raised you, but in reality, you kinda've raised yourself and me at the same time." he laughed slightly and Lauren found herself daring to smile. "I'm sorry that I'm missing being here with you, but don't worry about me, okay? I'm alright. I'm back with James and Remus and Anna. But I better not be seeing you up here for a long time, you hear me?" he declared. Lauren nodded. 

"I hear you," she said weakly. "I- I miss you so much." Sirius smiled at her. 

"I miss you too." he replied, before fading away. 

Lauren A. Black (my Harry Potter oc)Where stories live. Discover now