Draco Malfoy (Age 11)

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Lauren was in the library, struggling with her potions homework. At the table, Hermione was sitting across from her and Harry was next to her. They were writing essays for Transfiguration when Ron slumped into the chair next to Hermione, his face red with anger. 

"What's wrong?" Lauren questioned, eyeing his face curiously.

 "Bloody Malfoy. Being a prat as always." Ron replied, opening his textbook. 

"What's he done this time?"Harry asked. Hermione glanced at Ron as he responded. 

"He called me a stupid blood traitor for befriending-" he paused and glanced at Hermione. 

"Befriending who?" Lauren persisted.

 "Muggle-borns," Ron said. "Although he didn't say Muggle-born," he added, looking down at his homework. Harry clenched his fist and he stiffened slightly. Hermione turned slightly red and went back to her essay. Lauren, too, went back to her homework. 

"Kill him," she suggested, nonchalantly, as if this was a normal thing to say. Ron's eyes widened. 

"Lauren, no." he said, worry creeping into his voice. 

"Fine," Lauren said calmly, putting down her quill. "I'll kill him." 

"Lauren, nO," Ron and Harry said, their voices rising anxiously as Lauren stood up. Ignoring the boy's protests, Lauren walked across the room to where Malfoy and his cronies stood. 

"Hey Malfoy," she said confidently as she approached him. He swaggered up to her and crossed his arms, trying to look tough and scary. But Lauren wasn't scared. Not even the slightest bit. She crossed her arms and stared right at him with a deadly glare that caught him off guard for a moment before he regained his normal stuck-up look. 

"Yes?" he said smugly and coldly. "Something I can help you with, you pathetic little first-year?" If looks could kill, Draco Malfoy would've died at the glare Lauren gave him. 

"Stay away from my friends, you stuck-up swine." Malfoy stiffened, and his friends eyes widened. Nobody talked to him like that and got away with it. Nobody. 

"Or what, you little weakling? You can't do anything to me, and I can do anything I want." Lauren snorted. 

"You sure about that, you spineless little niffler?" Malfoy faltered. He glared at her but Lauren just raised her eyebrows, giving him a look that clearly read: Seriously, that's the best you can do? 

"What's that thing all you muggles say?" Malfoy said coldly. Now he was mad. "Oh yeah. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" he said in a taunting voice. Lauren smirked at him. 

"We'll just see about that," she said. Then she walked away, leaving Malfoy behind her. The boys eyed her nervously as she approached. She ignored them and turned to Hermione. 

 "What's the biggest book in this library and where can I find it?" she asked. Hermione didn't even hesitate before responding. 

"Well if you're looking for the book with the most pages, that would be The Complete History Of Magic, which is two shelves over. But if you're looking for a book with the biggest height, then it would be-" Lauren didn't hear the rest. She stormed off to the shelf without another word. Hermione turned to the boys. "What?" she asked as she saw their terrified faces. 

"Hermione," Ron said slowly. "I think you just pointed her into the direction of her murder weapon." Hermione's eyes widened. 

"Hey Draco!" Lauren said swaggering up to him. Malfoy stood up. 

"And the weakling is back," he smirked. She didn't listen. Before he even knew what was happening, Malfoy was slammed in the head with something hard and he hit the floor. 

"How's that for words hurting you, bitch!"Lauren yelled. She looked up and dropped the book as she saw who was standing in the doorway. It was Professor McGonagall.

The next day...

Sirius sat at the kitchen table, leafing through the mail. He stopped when he saw a letter from Lauren, as always. She always wrote to him, even when she had nothing to say. Sirius secretly looked forward to her letters. They were the bright spot of his day. He hadn't realized how boring his life really was until Lauren had left. But it made sense, he thought. 

Nothing was boring with Lauren. 

He opened the letter and read it. It was a very plain letter. Hi, How are you, I'm fine, School's good, Snivellus is horrible, Remus is good, etc. 

She's hiding something, Sirius thought to himself. At the very bottom of the page there was a P.S. It was written so small that he considered getting a magnifying glass just to read it. It said: P.S. I may have gotten detention for a month...Sirius burst out laughing, imagining all the things she could have done. He got a piece of paper and wrote a letter to Lauren, which simply said:

Dear Lauren,

 What did you do?


Lauren sighed. She was serving her detention in Remus's classroom, cleaning out the Grindylow's cage and other things. Remus sat beside her, grading papers. He shook his head. 

"Did you tell Padfoot that you got detention?" he asked her. 

"Yes," she said. Remus paused for a moment and looked at her. 

"Did you tell him how you got detention for a month?" Lauren looked down at the desk. 

"No," she admitted. "But he did ask. I'm afraid to tell him," Remus burst out laughing. 

"Seriously!" he said between laughs,"He'd be proud!" Lauren smiled. 

"Okay,"she said, chuckling at Remus's laughter. "I'll tell him."

The next day....

It was breakfast time. Lauren sat with the rest of the Gryffindors and watched as the mail arrived. Suddenly, a letter was dropped at her place. But this wasn't an ordinary letter; it was a Howler. The last time someone got a Howler was last year, when Ron and Harry crashed into the Whomping Willow. The news spread fast around the room and everything was dead silent as she opened the envelope, Fred and George edging away from her as she did so. The Howler exploded up into the room and Sirius's voice rang out from the card. She could barely hear the words since Sirius was laughing so hard. But it said 

"SWEET MERLIN, LAUREN! THAT'S HILARIOUS! HOW'S THAT FOR WORDS HURTING YOU!" he laughed and Lauren smiled "I AIN'T EVEN MAD! MERLIN'S BEARD, I'M PROUD! AND MOONY, I KNOW YOU HATE ME FOR DOING THIS, BUT IF YOU WANT TO YELL AT HER, THEN GET YOUR OWN HOWLER! WELL DONE LAUREN! WELL DONE!" He started laughing again. Lauren was laughing herself now, and so was the rest of Hogwarts, except for Draco Malfoy, who sat there glaring at everyone, with a bandage on his nose. Lauren turned to the teacher's table to look at Remus. He was shaking his head and laughing. Lauren smiled,although a part of her missed Sirius.

 After all, she thought, Nothing was ever boring with Sirius.

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