The Yule Ball (Age 12)

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Lauren was in the hallway with Marian when they approached. It had been two weeks since McGonagall had announced the Yule Ball and Marian had not shut up about it since then. If Marian wasn't her best friend, Lauren would've hexed her mouth closed by now. She was still seriously considering it though. Or at least banging her head against the stone wall behind her a couple hundred times. 

Marian was over the moon about the Ball, but Lauren could care less. She found the idea of twirling around a floor, in an uncomfortable dress, with a guy who would ignore you the next day and forget about you completely in a week, boring and meaningless. Marian said it was because she was raised by boys who knew nothing about the thrills and frills of being a girl. 

Sure, Lauren thought, but I was raised by a guy who curled his mustache every morning and is a bigger drama queen then you will ever be. As she watched, three Durmstrang boys approached them. They were older, Lauren realized as she instantly analyzed them, but only by a few years. They were handsome, but the focus wasn't on the back two, it was on the one that was front and center. When they were a couple steps away, they stopped abruptly and bowed. The middle boy took Marian's hand and kissed it gently. 

"Will you go to the ball with me?" he asked. Marian's eyes were the size of saucers. Lauren didn't know if she was imagining it, but she was sure that she could see Marian's head growing larger by the second. 

"Yep," Marian said, her head bobbing up and down. "Yep, Yes, a bazillion times, Yep,"she repeated. The boy smiled, kissed her hand again, and released it. Then they stood up straight, bowed, and walked away. Marian sighed and sank to the ground. Lauren waved her hand in front of Marian's face but she didn't blink. 

"Great,"she commented. "Now she's gone brain dead."

3 days later...

"Lauren!"a voice shouted. "Wait up!" Lauren stopped and turned around to see Colin Creevey running towards her. 

"Yes?" she asked when he stopped running. Colin was nice to her, even after she accidentally dumped a potion on him last year. 

"I-I was wondering,"he began. Lauren looked at him. He was nervous, she could tell. He was red-faced, but not from running, and he was scratching the back of his neck nervously. "I was wondering," he tried again, "if you, um... if-if you..." He got more anxious every time he stammered until finally he gave up and ran away. Well, Lauren thought, that was strange.

The next day...

Lauren was walking to lunch with Ginny and Hermione when it appeared. A teeny-tiny little hippogriff was flying around her with a note in its mouth, like a little owl. Finally it landed on Lauren's shoulder and it nudged her ear until she took the note from its mouth. She unfolded it and read:

Dear Lauren,

Would you like to go to the Yule Ball with me?


Colin :)

Lauren smiled. She pulled a pencil out of her bag and wrote on the back of the note,

Yes, but only if I get to keep the Hippogriff.

-Lauren :)

And with that, she folded up the note and handed it to the little creature.

 "Now you take this back to him, Alright?" she told it. The hippogriff nodded, took the note and flew away. 

"Do my eyes deceive me, or did you just get a date to the Yule Ball?"Ginny questioned. Lauren smiled. 

"As a matter of fact, I did."she said confidently. Suddenly her eyes widened. "But by Merlin's beard, Do NOT tell Sirius."she added nervously. Ginny smiled. 

"I would never," she said truthfully. "Just as long as you don't tell Harry or my brothers that I'm going with Neville." Lauren looked at her sweetly, and completely un-Lauren-like. 

"I would never,"she declared.

3 weeks later...

Lauren sat in study hall, watching Harry and Ron panic about not having dates for the ball. She smiled down at her paper as Snape shoved their heads back at their work. 

"Come on, there's got to be someone left," Ron said. 

"Uh..."Harry said, racking his brain. 

"Hermione," he said, turning towards her. "Who's left?" Hermione glared at him. 

"You're going to have to be more specific," she said coldly. Lauren resisted the urge to high-five her and laugh. 

"What about.....Ginny?" Harry asked. Hermione and Lauren shook their heads.

 "She's already got someone," Hermione explained. Harry turned back to Ron. 

"Okay," he admitted. "Now I'm desperate." Ron looked around and his eyes landed on Lauren. 

"Hey, Lauren," he started. 

"Sorry boys,"vshe interrupted, "But I've already got a date." Harry stared at her. 

"Seriously?!" he proclaimed. "You have a date! But you're only a second year!" Lauren shrugged. Ron turned to Hermione. 

"Hey Hermione,"he began "You're a girl," She slowly looked up from her work and looked at Ron. Harry and Lauren's eyes widened and they shared the same terrified face. Terrified for Ron. 

"Very well spotted," Hermione began. 

"Well, you wanna, you know..."Ron said, mimicking what George had done earlier in the class. Her eyes narrowed. 

"It may have escaped your notice, but someone's already asked me," she said coldly. And with that, she stood up, handed in her work and started to gather up her things. "And I said yes."she added before storming out. Harry frowned and turned to Lauren as Ron sat there bewildered. 

"So, who are you going with?" he asked her. 

"Oh, you'll really like him,"Lauren said. "His name is None of your business." 

Lauren A. Black (my Harry Potter oc)Where stories live. Discover now