Fight or Die ~Battle of Hogwarts part 2~ (age 15)

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A/N: Two comments, Two updates. Please guess!!!!! I don't want to give it away until someone gets it!

The battle had begun. The protective shield the teachers had put up had been taken down and the Death Eaters were inside. It would take them a while to get to anyone though. They had to get through a protective shield, a blown up bridge, an army of stone knights, a pack of thestrals,  a very angry Ukrainian Ironbelly, some Blast-ended skrewts Hagrid had unleashed, and then you would be running straight into Minerva Mcgonagall, if you didn't get hit in the mouth with a puking pastille or a fainting fancy which Marian was sling-shoting into Death Eaters mouths. But if you got past all of that, then you reached Hogwarts and the students protecting it. They reached the tower Lauren was guarding with Tonks, Remus, Sirius, Kingsley, and Arthur Weasley pretty fast, unfortunately. As a trail of familiar black smoke launched towards them, Sirius grabbed Lauren and stood in front of her. 

"Get behind me," he ordered. 

"You can't protect me forever," she insisted. 

"I know," he replied grimly. "But I can try." And then they hit. The Order members launched into an attack as soon as the Death Eaters forms took shape. One burst through the window, only to have Kingsley point his wand, freeze the man, and have him shoot out of the window, reversing what he'd done. 

"Blimey, Kingsley. What spell was that?" Lauren questioned. He didn't respond. Lauren ran through the fighting, until she found someone to fight. He dueled silently, and he was fast. Lauren fought back angrily, but he had more skill. But Lauren had more brains. 

"Anaticula!"she yelled and he couldn't deflect it in time. Lauren took the chance and ran into the center of the tower, watching Sirius duel on the wooden walkways above. Sirius spotted the Death Eater behind her and yelled a warning. Lauren spun around as the Death Eater yelled a curse. 

"Avada Kevadra!" he shouted. But instead of the killing curse's green light, a duck popped out of his wand. The Death Eater looked at the duck strangely and stared at his wand. 

"Avada Kevadra!"he tried again. Sirius glanced down nervously to see another duck pop out of his wand with a small quack. Lauren couldn't help it. There was just something about this Death Eater spitting killing curses and getting ducks that she found hilarious. So, she laughed as the Death Eater shot spell after spell at her, only to get more ducks. 

"Most people would think you insane to laugh during a battle!" Tonks called. 

"Noted!" Lauren called back. She turned to the confused Death Eater and smirked at him. "Stupefy." He shot off the balcony with a yelp and she went to find another opponent. She dueled for hours before slowly making her way into the main part of the school. There were bodies on the ground, mixed in with the rubble, but Lauren couldn't look at them now. she had to be focused and if she spotted someone she knew lying lifeless on the ground...then focusing would be the last thing she'd do. She'd left the others fighting at the tower to chase after another Death Eater. Dolohov, she thought was his name. They dueled in the hallway, spitting cutting spells and throwing rubble with their wands. Then, Lauren got hit. A sharp piece of rock hit her square in the face and she fell. Dolohov pursued her and she muttered the Anaticula spell when he wasn't watching. 

"Time to die," he said with a grin. "Any last words?" Lauren looked up at him and smiled, genuinely smiled. 

"My only regret is that I had to look at your ugly face." she whispered. 

"Avada Kevadra." he growled. And a duck shot out of his wand. 

"Oi, Dolohov. Is that a duck, mate?" she said with a grin. While he was confused, Lauren jumped to her feet and punched him square in the face. He recoiled and she followed him, knife in hand. 

"Any last words?"she asked, pinning him to the wall. 

"I hate ducks."he growled. 

"You should," she agreed, stabbing him in the chest. After the life had left his eyes, she pulled out the knife and watched as his body sank to the floor. He was evil, she reminded herself as she re-sheathed the knife. She walked down the empty hallway and glanced up at the stairs. Lauren inhaled sharply as she spotted who was climbing them, heading up to the seventh floor. It was him. 

"Promise me you won't go after him," Sirius's words sang in her head. She thought for a moment and swallowed hard. After all he'd done, he deserved to pay. And she wanted him to. She wanted to watch the life leave his eyes. So, she glanced around, making sure no one was watching her, and Lauren followed her father up the stairs. 

Lauren A. Black (my Harry Potter oc)Where stories live. Discover now