Taken (Age 15)

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It happened during Charms class. Lauren sat next to Colin, taking notes when the messenger came in and handed Professor Flitwick a note. 

"Lauren," Flitwick said, gesturing that she should come up to his desk. She went pale. It had been two weeks since the Death Eaters had shown up on the train and Lauren knew it was only a matter of time before she was caught. She had told Colin everything she knew, but even he didn't know what they could want her for. She had told him to be prepared for when she left, but Colin still didn't know what he would do if they hurt her. He was certain of one thing though. It wouldn't be pretty. Lauren quickly wrote a note on a scrap of paper and grabbed Colin's hand. He looked at her worriedly as she slipped something into his palm. 

"Tell Sirius." she whispered. 

"Lauren..." he began, but she had already gone up to Flitwick's desk. He handed her the note.

"You are wanted in Professor Snape's office immediately." the teacher said. She took the note and walked out of class. She paused at the door and took one last look at Colin. He stared at her, his eyes filled with regret. 

"Be careful." he mouthed. She nodded, and for the first time in years, she felt her eyes fill with tears. But the tears didn't fall. Not yet.

After she left the room, Colin looked down at his hand. Clenched in his fist was a piece of paper and a silver locket. Lauren's locket. The one she always wore. He attempted to swallow the golf ball sized lump in his throat, but it was no use. So, he opened up the note. It read,


 Please don't do anything stupid. I need you to stay safe and sound. I won't be coming back, even if they don't take me, so I have to say this now. If I can get away, I'll be on the run. Don't go looking for me. I can't let you put yourself in danger. I care about you too much. And, if they do kill me, I just - I want you to know that I love you. No matter what. I'm sure I'll see you again soon.

-Lauren :)

Colin bit his lip and ran out of the room, ignoring his teacher. He dropped to the floor of an empty hallway and burst. He cried, breathing in gasps. Nothing else in the world mattered now. She was gone. And he didn't get to tell her how much he loved her too. 


Most people would've been surprised, or at least scared to see Bellatrix Lestrange, Severus Snape, and three more Death Eaters with their wands at the ready, waiting for you. But Lauren wasn't. Honestly, she just wanted this to be over with. So she didn't protest, didn't fight when two of the Death Eaters grabbed her and threw her in a chair, casting a charm that prevented her from moving from her seat. Bellatrix cackled. 

"Got you," she sang. 

"We don't have time for your games, Bellatrix," Snape muttered. "They'll only be able to hold Minerva back for so long." Lauren blinked in surprise. McGonagall was trying to stop them? Figures, she thought, Sirius probably asked her to look out for me. 

"Fine," Bellatrix said reluctantly, pressing her wand against Lauren's throat. "What is the Order planning?" she asked. Lauren stayed silent. "Tell me." Bellatrix demanded. Nothing. 

"She won't talk voluntarily." Snape noted. "I'll get the veritaserum." Lauren inhaled. She could suffer through torture and threats, but a truth telling serum? She wasn't so sure as they forced it down her throat. 

"Now, let's try this again," Bellatrix said. "What is the Order planning?" Lauren felt the answer, along with every secret the Order had, bubbling up inside her, trying to force its way out. She bit the inside of her mouth to stay quiet. The more she resisted though, the harder it became. She tasted blood in her mouth and let her guard down for a millisecond, letting out a small cry of anguish. The Death Eaters looked more irritated by the second as Lauren strained not to speak. Finally, the potion seemed to release her and she could relax. Bellatrix let out a yell in frustration. She grabbed Lauren and put a knife to her throat. "TELL ME!" she screeched. Lauren opened her mouth to speak. 

"That's a nice knife you've got there." she said smugly. Bellatrix yelled again and took away the knife, pulling out her wand. 

"Cruico!" she muttered with fury. Lauren stiffened as the familiar pain returned. She found that the more this spell hit her, the easier it was to bear. 

"Tell me what you know and I'll let you go," Bellatrix said tauntingly. Lauren fought through the spell, debating on whether or not to call her a spineless niffler, but then she thought of something better. She looked Bellatrix straight in the eyes and spat in her face. 

"Never." she declared. Bellatrix slowly wiped the spit off her face and was about to use the killing curse when Snape stopped her. 

"She needs to crack," he insisted. "And I believe we have a place where we keep people who need to crack?" Bellatrix lowered her wand.

 "True," she said smugly, turning towards the other Death Eaters. "Take her to the Cellar." 

Lauren struggled against the Death Eaters. They were leading her towards Malfoy Manor. Towards the cellar, where other prisoners were being kept. Suddenly, an idea sparked in Lauren's head as they kept walking and she kept struggling. She ran forward, the guards holding her running with her. Then, she abruptly stopped. The guards kept going, letting go of her. Before they had time to grab her, she apparated and the guards stared at where she had been standing, as if they just realized how dead they were. 

It was awfully late at night for an owl, Sirius thought. It was near midnight and an owl had turned up with a letter. Sirius took it and looked at it. The return address was Hogwarts, but it wasn't Lauren's handwriting. He opened it up and froze when he read the words. 


I know this letter will most likely be intercepted by You-Know-Who's followers but I had to try. It's over. They've taken her. McGonagall tried to stop them, she tried to get to her, but it was too late. She got out of Snape that she's being kept alive somewhere until she snaps and reveals the Order's secrets. If I can help in any way, please let me. We have to find her. I'm so sorry Sirius, but this is it. 

The Death Eaters have taken Lauren.


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