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Omg I fucking named this 49 I'm such a dumb bitch bye

"And the award, for best new artist of the year goes to...."

Fuck the suspense.

You know I'm shitting myself more at the fact that Shawn was nominated as well and he is my competition.

I'm friends with the enemy.

I suppose Justin was nominated for best song too so he is my enemy as well.

Omg what if neither of us win it how embarrassing. What if like Zayn wins??? (Lol)

Zayn's so good tho but shawns like so good and also so hot. So's Zayn though oooh this is a tough decision... Zayn or Shawn, Zayn or Shawn, Zayn or-

"GRACE!" Shawn practically screams in my ear as he shakes me, breaking me from my zone out.

Omg did he win!!! Omg omg I'm sitting next to a winner!!

"Grace you won!!" He says and my face drops from an excited one to a confused one.

"Wot?" I say dumbfounded.

"You won! Go on stage you goofball!" He says standing up and dragging me with him.

"I won? Surely not..."

"Go go gooooo!" He says softly pushing me and I slowly walk to the stage, feeling as if I'm in slow motion, watching everyone around me cheer and clap and make a lot of noise. I probably look like such a stupid bitch walking up there with my mouth wide and looking around like I'm a fucking chicken.

Once I finally reach the stage, I'm greeted by the award presenter whom I hug tightly as I jump up and down awkwardly in their grip. They laugh at me but I don't care because I JUST WON MY FIRST AWARD MUTHA FUCKAAAASSSS. He then hands me a giant crystal pyramid thing that I can already picture next to my bed and I slowly approach the microphone.

"Are you sure?" I say nervously, turning to the two other presenters who laugh again as they nod their heads, "wow oh my god, this is mine?!" I take a second to look at the trophy, "and it has my name on it WOW!" The audience laugh at my excitement but can you blame me?! I can't even win a game of Scissors Paper Rock.

"Um I just want to thank my mum, Leanne and my step dad, Scott. Thank you for supporting me in the music industry even though I know you both were hoping for a model daughter... and I want to thank my dad, James, I know he's looking down on me now, probably laughing at me for embarrassing myself a little but I sure he's mostly proud. Thank you to all of my fans and everyone that has supported me but thank you most of all to Justin. I wouldn't be where I am today without you. I appreciate everything you've done for me so much and I love you more than anything. Thank you every one," and with that I leave. I only had a couple tears escape when I mentioned my dad but other than that, I held myself together rather well I think...HOMYGODIJUSTSAIDILOVE JUSTININFRONTOFEVERYONE.

Will they get the wrong idea?????

Nono will they get the right idea??????

Will they just think I mean a friend love?? Oh shoot I can practically here James Corden screaming JUSTACE in my ear now....

Once I make my way back to my seat, the audience has quieted down a little. I give Shawn a smile as I sit down and he asks to lol at the award, so I happily hand it to him. In the mean time I pull out my phone to text Justin again.

*1 new message from Jus*

I physically gasp reading that. He texted me???? wwoowowowowowow.

Texts | Justin Bieber ✔️Where stories live. Discover now