Part 8

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This chapter and the next few are based off episode one, season two.
'Lazarus Rising'
September, 18th, four months. Today, makes four months that Dean has been gone. Today, also makes four months since Max has seen Sam. After the day they buried Dean, he left. Hasn't answered anyone's calls, texts, even come to see them, all he does is hunt.

'Dean Winchester is saved.'

Max laid in her bed, staring up at the white colored ceiling not to long after awaking from a dream. She never leaves her room, she doesn't talk to anyone other then her Dad, but he can barley get her to talk to him much after that night. It's like when Sam left, yet, Max knows Dean is being tortured, screaming her name, begging for her or someone to save him. It's eating her alive.

'I need to get out, for Dad.' Max thought as she sat up slowly and moved her bangs out of her face. She sighed and looked at her bedroom door, hearing footsteps come up the stairs. She snapped her fingers and she was off the bed, standing in front of the mirror. Max snapped her fingers again and changed into a random outfit, hair fixed and makeup done.

After Max cleaned her room, stacking the books she read in their correct spots on her bookshelf, putting the empty water and beer cans in the trash and making her bed; their was a soft knock on the door

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After Max cleaned her room, stacking the books she read in their correct spots on her bookshelf, putting the empty water and beer cans in the trash and making her bed; their was a soft knock on the door. She rapped her arms around herself as she walked to the door, taking her right hand and putting her on the handle. She debated with herself for a moment then decided to twist the handle, opening the door.

Max looked into the hallway and saw Bobby, her father. He smiled at her and he looked her up and down, seeing her in something other then pajamas for the first time in months.

"Go down stairs Dad, I'll be down soon." Max said softly, he smiled even bigger and nodded, turning around and leaving her room. She sighed and moved into the hallway, pulling the door shut behind her.

Max walked down the hallway and to the stairs, looking at all the framed pictures of her and her family throughout the years. When she reached the end of the stairs, she walked to the living room entry, eyes watering while she started to shake.

Max slowly walked into the living room, putting one foot in front of another, each step getting harder to take once she saw pictures of Dean on every wall and table. Max stopped in the middle of the living room, her breath was heavy, her legs were tired like she just finished walking through miles of seven inch mud.

Max tried to ignore the feeling she had in her gut to run up to her room and cry. She walked into the kitchen and saw her dad, sitting at the table, looking down at his hands and then to her, smiling.

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