Part 32

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This chapter is based off of episode twenty-two, season four.
'Lucifer Rising'

Dean's pulled into Heaven to be used as Michale's vessel. Once Max finds out from Cas, she makes him get Dean out of there so they can stop Sam.

"So, where did they hide Dean?" Max asked herself, walking down the halls and beside the room she was summoned to when she first entered Heaven. She stopped and looked in, noticing that a bunch of angels were in one room discussing what they'll do once the apocalypse is here.

"Narcissistic assholes." Max whispers as she walks past them and down the hall, praying for Castiel.

'Castiel, you son of a bitch. Where the hell are you?'

The sound of wings flapping gained Max's attention as she turned around and saw Castiel. She grabbed him by his tie and pulled him down to her level so they could have direct eye contact.

"Where... is... Dean?" Max asked, fire in her eyes and anger in her voice. Castiel's look saddened by Max's actions as he tilted his head.

"Didn't you hear? He's here, in Heaven. But, Zachariah doesn't want you seeing him alone. He was about to have me go find you, but considering he's right behind you, I say we're just about to go see him."

Max let Castiel go and turns to face Zach, balling her hand into a fist behind her." Let me see him."

Zach walked around Max, shaking his head and standing beside Cas. Max turned around and watched Zach closely as he fixed Castiel's tie." I don't think your in the right position to be giving orders, Max."

Max digs her nails into the palm of her hand, drawing blood. It drips down her hand and onto the white floor." Zachariah, take me to see him. Or so help me god."

Zach looked down at the blood that splattered on the ground, staining the floor. He then looked back up to Max and nodded. He snapped his fingers, causing Max, Castiel, and himself to appear in a nicely decorated room.

There was a table in the middle with a plate stacked full of burgers and one tub with ice and beer. Max looked up and saw Dean, looking at the three angels.

Dean looked over at Max and she shook her head with warning in her eyes.

Dean looked over at Max and just stared, she knew he got the message. He looked back to Zach and stared at him, waiting for him to speak.

"Hello, Dean. You're looking fit." Zach said, looking Dean up and down. Dean scoffs and sits down the beer he had in his hand, turning to fully face the angels.

"Well, how 'bout this? The suite life of Zach and Cas, plus their betraying friend." Dean said, staring at Max and Cas.

Zach just tilted his head and stayed silent, causing Dean to sigh.

"It's a -- never mind. So, what is this? Where the hell am I?"

Zach turned around and looked at Max, nodding at her to speak. She nodded and cleared her throat to speak.

"It's basically a green room. We're closing in on the grand finale, here. We want to keep you safe before showtime." Max said.

"Try a burger. They're your favorite." Zach said, motioning Dean to the tray with his hand. "From that seaside shack in -- Max, where was is?"

"It was in Delaware, Sir. When he was 11." Max said, looking up at Dean and winking when Zach couldn't see.

"I'm not hungry." Dean said.

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