Part 23

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This chapter is based off of episode sixteen, season four.
'On the Head of a Pin'

And it is written, the first seal shall be broken with a righteous man sheds blood in hell. As he breaks, so shall it.

Max sat in the back of the impala silently as she looked out of the window, watching the glowing streetlights pass quickly as Sam drove though the night.

"Ruby will meet us outside Cheyenne. She's been tracking some leads." Sam paused as Dean and Max let out low groans." Look, I know she's not on both of your Christmas lists, bus if she can help us get to Lilith --"

"Man, work with Ruby, don't. I don't really give a rat's ass." Dean said, cutting Sam off.

"What's your problem?" Sam asked.

"Pamela didn't want anything to do with this, and we dragged her back into it, Sam." Dean said, looking from his window to his little brother." Max lost her mother over us."

"Right here, Dean." Max said softly, still looking out the window.


"She knew what was at stake." Sam said, looking in the rearview mirror to see Max, smiling sadly.

"Oh, yeah, saving the world. And we're doing such a damn good job of it." Dean said, sarcasm thick in his tone.

"Dean --"

"I'm tired of burying friends, Sam." Dean said, cutting Sam off. Max felt her emotionless wall slowly breaking as she heard Dean and Sam argue up front.

"Dean, stop." Max whispers. Dean and Sam continue arguing while she feels herself slowly breaking." Dean, stop it."

Once again Max wasn't heard so she brought her knees to her chest and started shaking and breathing heavily. Dean yelled at Sam and it got quiet, that's when the brothers heard Max's ragged breathing.

"Max?" Sam asked, voice low and loving. Max stayed silent as she took a deep breath then shook her head.

"I -- I'm fine." Max said, taking deep breaths to calm herself down. Sam pulled into the parking lot of the hotel and everyone got out. Max was first to the door and snapped her fingers, the door opening and the lights turning on.

"Winchester, Winchester, and Singer."

Max sighed as her eyes bolted up to meet Uriel's, she looked over to his left and saw Castiel. Max walked farther in the room as Sam and Dean walked up beside her.

"You got to be kidding me." Max said, rubbing her face.

"Oh, come on!" Dean yelled angrily.

Uriel looked at the archangels daughter and at the eldest Winchester." You both are needed."

"Needed? We just got back from being needed." Max said, anger rising in her tone.

"Now, you mind your tone with me." Uriel said, causing Max to growl.

"No, you mind your tone with me! I just got back from my mothers funeral. You know, Pamela -- the physic? You guys remember her? Cas you remember her. You burned her eyes out!" Max yelled, her wall breaking once again, but not with sadness, but anger.

"Yeah, then she died saving one of your precious seals. So, maybe you can stop pushing me and my family around like chess pieces, for five freakin' minutes!" Max yelled, pausing while she stepped closer to the dick of an angel." Or so help me god, Uriel, I'll kick your feathery white ass. Ask your superiors, I'm not one to reckon with."

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