Part 34

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This chapter and the next few based off of episode two, season five.
'Good God, Y'all!'


Max was laid down in the back of the impala, barley moving. She'd whisper a few things here and there but there wasn't many sighs as to when she'd wake up.

"Dean, I'm worried." Sam said, looking over the back of the seat at the angel who turned on her side." It's been almost three hours. Shouldn't she be up by now?"

Dean looked at Max through the rear view mirror." Yeah, I know the feeling." He said, sighing as he looked back to the road." But, before she passed out, she said something about Lucifer, so I'm not expecting her to wake up anytime soon."

Dean kept his eyes on the road, but Sam kept his eyes on Max. He was worried about what she was going to say when she woke up. Was she going to say Lucifer had already killed someone? Did the angels get to him first? Whatever it was, he didn't think he was ready.

"No... please, don't hurt them."

Sam and Dean looked over the back seat to Max who was tossing and turning.

"Take me instead, just... don't hurt them. I'm begging you, please..." Max whispered.

Sam looked over at Dean with his signature puppy face, earning an aggravated sigh.

"What are you looking at me for? Get back there, Casanova." Dean said, sighing as Sam hopped over the back of the seat and lifted Max's head, sitting in his lap.

"Max, it's okay, I got you. Everything is fine, everyone is okay." Sam said, running his hand through Max's hair gently.

"Sam..." Max whispers, a smile coming to her face." I'm glad you're... okay."

*Time Skip*

Sam looked over at the hotel bed that Max was laid out on, sighing. He closed the book he was reading and stood up, walking into the kitchen and getting a beer.

Sam picked his phone up and dialed his brothers number, who happened to go out and spend the night at some bar.

"Dean, she hasn't woke up and I'm getting worried. It's been two days." Sam said as soon as Dean picked up the phone. He and his older brother talked away as Dean tried to sneak out of some chicks hotel room.

Max's eyes slowly opened, all the memories of the days before flooding into her mind. She bolted out of the bed and to the kitten table, snapping her fingers and making her computer appear in front of her.

"Max?" Sam asked, blinking to make sure he what he was seeing was real." What are you doing?"

Max ignored Sam and entered 'incidents in Pike Creek, Delaware' in the search bar on the computer quickly, tapping her finger against the keyboard impatiently as it slowly loaded.

Max's eyes scanned the computer quickly, reading up on the weird incidents. She sighed and ran her hands through her tangled hair, wincing once she hit a knot.

Sam walked behind Max and leaned over her, reading what was on the screen." Max, love, what does this have to do with anything?" He asked, turning her around in her chair so they could face each other.

"The loud wining noise I heard the other night, it was Lucifer. The reason the ground shook, Lucifer. Both of those things came from Delaware, that's where I thought his vessel lived, and I guess I'm right." Max said, eyes starting to water." I don't want to be right Sam. He's going to start the apocalypse."

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